Rongai: Chilling Video Of Woman Being Attacked By Armed Robbers At Her Home In The Dead Of The Night


Chilling CCTV footage of a woman being ambushed by armed robbers with masks at night in Rongai has surfaced on social media.

According to reports, the victim was ambushed in their home by the daring thugs who had armed themselves with a handgun and what seemed to be an AK47 rifle.

In the first part of the video, the victim, who was inside the car, seemed to have just arrived in the compound. The five thugs then ambushed her and seemed to be demanding her to get out of the car.

The victim declined and attempted to drive away but didn’t manage. The robbers however smashed the car’s windows and opened the door before dragging her out of the vehicle at gunpoint.

They would then ransack the car and pick a few items before heading for the house.

In the second footage, the robbers successfully enter  the house with the victim to conclude their mission.

The robbers forced her to sit on the couch and could also be seen harassing her. One of the robbers with a gun watched over her as the rest of his accomplices went through the house, stashing items they were picking in a bag. Some of the notable things they stole from the house include phones and a sound system.

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