Tangatanga Wars Part 2: Kimani Ngunjiri Lectures Susan Kihika Like A Kid At A Funeral


Bahati MP Kimani Ngunjiri’s beef with Nakuru senator Susan Kihika took a whole different twist during a funeral service.

Ngunjiri gave Kihika a dressing down while addressing mourners during a funeral service for late Dr. Margaret Wangari Kariuki in Bahati Sub-County, Nakuru county.

The Bahati MP addressed mourners first before he invited the Nakuru senator to speak. He noted that Kihika was like his child because her late father Kihika Kimani was his close friend.

Ngunjiri also noted that he had taken a lot of his time to nurture Susan Kihika and that he will not sit down and see her go astray since he is the one who was given the responsibility of nurturing her.

“This young lady is like my child, I am the one who received your dowry, in case you fails to listen to me, I will pinch you,” Ngunjiri Kimani told mourners.

The Bahati MP also said that both of them will sit down and agree on the direction that they will take in regard to their political aspirations, he however insisted that Kihika will have to listen to him.

Susan Kihika wisely evaded the talk initiated by Kimani Ngunjiri when she took the microphone to address mourners.

Susan Kihika and Kimani Ngunjiri’s row first played out in May this year as the two Tangatanga politicians quarreled and made accusations against each other.

On May 22nd, Kihika called out Ngunjiri claiming he was indecisive and unsure of which camp to support and further said he betrayed the DP by voting for BBI in parliament.

“One also needs a little intelligence when spreading propaganda. Kimani is peddling lies just to get the attention of someone he ran up and down the streets insulting a few months ago (Uhuru). Didn’t he just vote yes for the Constitutional Amendment Bill 2020 (BBI) that he campaigned against for the last two years?

“Who would dare trust this man who blows hot and cold every other day? For me it spells an unreliable, character who switches sides depending on where his bread is being buttered that evening,” Kihika lashed out at Ngunjiri.

Ngunjiri on his part had claimed in a press conference that Kihika was among a set of leaders planning to frustrate President Uhuru Kenyatta once he retires from office.

“My friend, politics is not about you but Nakuru residents. We want to respect the President and allow him to drink tea at State House with his successor. How can you disturb the President’s peace? Try and you will see my wrath as I won’t allow Nakuru residents to be divided, “Ngunjiri stated.

On Thursday September 2nd this year, Ruto hosted a delegation from Nakuru county at his official residence in Karen

The delegation included grassroots leaders from Nakuru county and leaders from the county led by Nakuru senator Susan Kihika.

Ngunjiri attacked Kihika for excluding him from DP Ruto’s meeting at Karen, he further claimed the delegates she took to the DP were not grassroot leaders.

The infighting within Ruto’s camp has elicited claims that the MPs are just supporting the DP for their own selfish gains.

Related: Tangatanga Wars – Moses Kuria Vs Rigathi Gachagua, Kimani Ngunjiri Vs Susan Kihika: Why Ruto Allies Are Fighting Each Other



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