Real Cause Of Bus Accident That Killed 31 People Now visible To The Naked Eye As Water Subsides In River Enziu


So many things were blamed on River Enziu tragedy but now the receding waters has revealed exactly what caused the bus to tip over killing 31 people who drowned.

The Saturday December 4th tragedy happened when school bus ferrying choir members was trying to cross River Enziu which was raging with flood waters.

More than 33 people who were in the bus drowned during the tragic incident, the bus was carrying 17 extra passengers and had a total of 68 people who were mostly related.

The bus driver was initially blamed for the tragic loss of lives, many said he put the passengers at risk by attempting to cross the flooded river.

However, the bus was not the only vehicle that attempted to cross the river. Two vehicles successfully crossed before the bus tried and was swept away, this despite locals who were guiding the bus to follow the right path.

Well, it’s now emerging that the tragic events of Saturday December 4th was caused by a gaping hole on the crossing point.

The giant hole is evidently as a result of erosion caused by the flood waters which swept away much of the soil underneath the paved crossing point at River Enziu.

Actually there is no bridge at River Enziu where the accident happened, Enziu is usually a stream with little water throughout the year – only floods during the rainy seasons.

The retreating flood waters has exposed a giant pot hole at the crossing point where the December 4th accident happened.

When the river was flooded, the hole could not be seen to the naked eye and that explains why the bus drove into it.

In the video that captured the tragic accident, the bus is seen partially sinking on the side the moment it hit the giant pot hole before it tipped over and swept away by the flood waters.

Related: Divers Who Saved Lives At River Enziu To Get Millions And Permanent Jobs


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