How Kshs500 Cemented The Relationship Between Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetang’ula


Wiper Party leader Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka has opened up on how Moses Wetang’ula boosted his political career.

Speaking during Ford Kenya’s delegates conference whereby Wetang’ula was crowned the party’s flag bearer ahead of the 2022 election, Kalonzo said that Wetang’ula donated Kshs500 to fund his campaigns.

According to Kalonzo, Wetang’ula’s donation helped him in his first parliamentary campaigns in the 1980s while attributing his political success to the Ford Kenya party leader.

“My brother Wetangula is a dear friend. I went to parliament before him. He must have been studying me closely. I can disclose here that Wetang’ula, practising as a young advocate, contributed a lot of money to me at the beginning of my political journey. He sent me so much money that made me go for a whole week campaigning with Ksh500,” the former Vice President revealed.

He further said that Wetang’ula’s generous donation has cemented their relationship since then.

“That money, call it seed money, is what has actually brought us together and we have been there for trusted friends. You can remember in 2013 how we were teargassed together with Raila,” Kalonzo said.

Wetang’ula also narrated the genesis of their friendship before he joined parliament.

“Kalonzo has been my friend since 1985, Gideon Moi’s father picked me from my law firm and made me a member of parliament when I least expected and I have walked with Musalia Mudavadi from the day I was nominated in Parliament,” the Bungoma county senator narrated.

Kalonzo also used the opportunity to popularize One Kenya Alliance while at the same time bashing DP William Ruto’s bottom-up approach.

“I’m told a young man in Mbooni is now living injured. He was given Ksh 29,000 to share among his mates who later cut him. Is that what bottom-up is really about? I want to tell Kenyans to take the money they bring to you. In fact, tell them that the ones that they have brought to you are not enough,’ Kalonzo stated.

RELATED STORY: “We Can’t Choose Presidential Candidate Through Voting” Wetangula Reveals How OKA Will Select Flagbearer



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