Juliani And Lillian Living Like Paupers After Squandering All The Money


Highly guarded  sources have narrated to Sonko News that all is not well between veteran rapper Juliani and Lillian Ng’ang’a months after being in a relationship.

According to the source which spoke to Sonko News on condition of anonymity, Juliani is getting frustrated since he is not in a position to match the philanthropic life governor Mutua spoilt Lillian Ng’ang’a.

On her side, Lillian has also been forced to forgo the expensive life she was used to while with the Machakos governor in a bid to fit into the new world of hustlers.

As a result, the rapper is said to be part and parcel of Lillian’s latest move to go to the media and demand for wealth from the Machakos governor, with the hope that the governor woul give in.

“The neighbor to Juliani narrated to me that the two lovebirds are no longer in the same position they were in a few months ago. It seems a relationship that began with euphoria laced with posting pictures all over social media is quickly coming to an end. The two are basically getting broke day by day.” Said the source.

“You saw Lillian yesterday held a press briefing demanding for wealth? Let me tell you the two are too broke and reality has downed on them that governor Mutua is not a pushover. Maybe they thought they could blackmail the Machakos governor and still continue misusing his wealth. It is just a matter of time before Juliani dump broke Lillian since she won’t be adding any financial value to him.” Added the source which spoke exclusively to Sonko News.

The source continued: “From the press you noticed that Lillian was mostly complaining how Mutua has instructed his lawyers to recover all the money he spent on her. Although we have not heard from Mutua himself to either confirm or deny the allegations, it is clear that the ex wife is using all the means possible to remain with some money which Juliani cannot give her.”

Apparently, Lillia Ng’ang’a in a press with lawyer Murgor disclosed that Alfred Mutua was accompanied by his official bodyguard Martin Nzinghi to her Kileleshwa parking lot and vanished with her car.

At the same time, she claimed that Mutua had transferred all the shares of a business they co-owned without her knowledge.

“Mutua, accompanied by his police guard, Martin Nzinghi arrived at my apartment parking lot at Kileleshwa, Nairobi, and without my knowledge or consent and using a spare key which he had legally obtained, drove way my personal motor vehicle KBY 186G- a car which had been fully registered in my name since 2014. Mutua proceeded to fraudulently transfer the ownership of the car in the log book into his name, and thereafter sold the vehicle to a 3rd party.

“I filed a case which is pending in court so I will not comment further on it except to ask the purchaser to be on notice that I maintain my claim to ownership,” Lillian said.

“Along the same fraudulent conduct. Mr. Mutua recently and illegally transferred my shares in the Ndash Enterpnses LTD (the hotel company) to his sister Ann Mbandi Mutua. Again, a dear act of fraud. At no point did I execute a transfer of my shares or otherwise transfer my 1600 shares (45%) shareholding in the company to him, let alone his sister.

I am publicly requesting Mr. Mutua to immediately return my property, cease threatening my life and those around me and stop his arrogance, wanton abuse of power, manipulation and bullying. He needs to get a life and move on,” She added.

However, from the reactions of Kenyans online, it seems everyone stood with governor Mutua as they castigated Lillian Ng’ang’a while reminding her to focus on her new man Juliani. Below were some of the sentiments from Kenyans:

“Kenyans kujeni hapa mjibu hi swali ..Even in your own judgements, whom do you think bought the car between Mutua and Lillian? Majibu za haraka haraka saa mbaya.”

“Mutua is a real gentleman. He should take away everything that he had bought for this slay queen. He should demand all his money, favours and privileges back.Kenyan ladies must understand that wealth is not sexually transmitted, one must work hard to earn wealth.To remain a gentleman, Mutua should not harm or threaten to harm this lady,but let him recover his wealth back.”

“You have showed Mutua alot of madharau with that your lowly puga.return all that you have squandered Jezabel.we are behind mutua in this.”

“This woman should not worry more about Alfred Mutual….let her get worried about Mutua’s political competitors, they can do the worst to taint and fix the Governor,”

“Alfred Mutua’s life is falling apart. The evil he has practiced during his fast political rise is catching up. Hawezi amini career yake ya politics inaisha na Bae amemwacha. He’s deflecting anger and this will destroy him even more. Going as far as sneaking into homes and forging signatures. Petty little man with a fragile ego.”

“You were not married, again you bare no child for the governor, all this claims will be null, you were just in a love relationship with him, I thought every gal is smart but hapa ulicheswo????, that’s a man with high Intelligent Quantity ( IQ) cheers Mr Governor take all that belongs to you and leave her there with his Juliani. After all she does not hold any certificate for being your girlfriend ???, boychild is winning again.”

“Lilian you are fighting the man who have you status, I think you are trading dangerously my sister. Even me I feel Mutua is right because you cannot continue enjoying the things I bought for you with another man. That’s not right.”

“You chose mathare over machakos just leave everything which belong to machakos to machakos…Mathare iko Nrb county.”

“I can Remember vividly well in the last men’s conference Mr.Mutua sat beside me, he was very attentive to the guest speakers e.g Mr Kibor. He asked several questions and he was even able to answer most of the questions directed to us. He never slept in that class.
I can categorically say here without fear of contradiction that is Mr.Mutua is actually applying the knowledge gained in class into real life experience.”

“People should stop all these nonsense. Why can’t people just break up with some dignity? Mutua should’ve just let it go, but again, how did they stay for 10.years without legalizing the union? How could they do that being that mutual is a statesman ? Truly, integrity doesn’t exist anymore. Vwry embarassing.”

“Aty your property,! Just say that whatever you thought could go well for you has become south and let me tell you this for free that you won’t succeed in your life Alfred is free to repossess his properties at any time he likes.”

“You took someone’s husband and enjoyed all the privileges of a first lady while the real wife was shedding tears.malipo ni hapa hapa.”

“Accept and move on girl.. I cant support you you have really disappointed Mutua taking pictures with your former husband and posting all over the social media wangitek dada.”

“If you want to increase your chance of dying, just start or end a relationship.”

“Congratulations Mutua .bring down that lady until she reaches my standard’s so that I can marry her??.”

RELATED STORY:Mutua Stole My Car From Parking And Promised To Crash Me To Ashes-Lillian Ng’ang’a


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