Governor Oparanya Becomes A Talk Of Town After Gracing Mashujaa Day With His Two Wives


Kenyans have been left adoring the harmonious relationship that the two wives of Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya portrayed at the Mashujaa Day celebrations in Kisii.

The two women were pictured walking beside the Head of the council of Governors as they made their way to the VIP podium.

This is deemed as a rare occurrence since many polygamous families are often marred with chaos and unending competition.

Priscillah Oparanya and Caroline Oparanya have now left Kenyan women in polygamous marriages picking lessons of peaceful coexistence. The two have been serving as the first ladies of the Oparanya led county for a period of 8 years now.

The ODM party leader has umpteenth terms warned his opponents not to use his marriage status to dissuade voters.

The county boss is however not the only prominent politician who has adopted the marriage culture. Outspoken Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi also leads a polygamous life.


The Tangatanga politician is on record to have admitted to having four wives. COTU secretary general Francis Atwoli is also a man of many wives. The flamboyant trade unionist is known for being proud of his status.His third wife, Mary Kilobi, is currently stationed at KTN as a news anchor.

Kenyans took on social media to express their different opinion on Oparanya’s gesture of parading his two wives.

@Disembe gave a long opinion on what he thinks of Oparanya’s affair even drawing to a conclusion that it should be normalized

“I gather that Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya attended Mashujaa Day with his two wives. Reminds me of Budalangi MP Raphael Wanjala and his battle with the Parliamentary Service Commission to provide medical cover to all his wives and their children.

It happened that parliament had a rule to cover only “first wife” and all legal children. Then Hon. Wanjala challenged that, citing obvious discrimination. Polygamy in Kenya is not just allowed by culture, but by the law too.

Armed with the law, Wanjala insisted PSC had to change its long tradition of only covering one wife. It started as an impossible demand but the threat of suing the same institution for flouting a law it made, and was assented to, forced it to settle the matter with Mheshimiwa.

African men must decently NORMALIZE the institution of polygamy, a very important social institution at a time the ratio of men to women in Kenya isn’t even. LUHYA men are trying. Wanjala, Atwoli, Oparanya. Better than that wheelbarrow guy with his 30 kids and hidden mothers.”



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