You Betrayed Us; Kenyans On Twitter Badly Attack Senator Sakaja


Just a few weeks trending on Twitter after being accused by netizens of being behind President Uhuru’s decision to close bars and ban drinking of alcohol in the country, Nairobi Senator Johnson Sakaja was facing the wrath of Kenyans on Twitter for the better part of Monday morning.

Senator Sakaja has been accused by the Nairobians for abandoning them by voting against the proposed revenue sharing formula that will see Nairobi county as one of the counties that will gain from the bill.

In his amendment, Senator Sakaja wants to retain the current revenue allocation formula for counties saying Senators agree that counties shouldn’t lose money.

The senators had voted to reject a proposal by Majority Whip Irungu Kangata to have the third basis formula for allocating funds to county governments deferred for two years.


See how UHURU embarrassed JOHNSON SAKAJA when he tried to call him ...
Nairobi Senator Johnson Sakaja badly attacked by Kenyans On Twitter

Taking to Twitter Kenyans had mixed reactions to the Senator’s move. Some accused of abandoning his county while others praised him for his statesmanship for standing for counties that will lose up to billions of shillings if the bill is passed.

Sakaja who seemed to be following the tweets said all those that were being said were a mere marketing strategy and wasn’t bothered about them.

“Morning guys. Today’s paid hashtag is #SakajabetraysNairobi. Let’s get tweeting and help the keyboard warriors earn their daily bread.#527,” Sakaja wrote.

Below are some of the opinions Kenyans on Twitter had about Sakaja’s move:

“My friend @SakajaJohnson should not bow to impunity and conmanship, my view on the distribution of resources you well articulated it, stand firm, These kinds of #SakajaBetraysNairobi will continue being flagged day in day out, you are a benevolent leader, Kenya says thank you,” CS Munya said.

Engin Omariano Omari: “@SakajaJohnson is a patriotic Kenyan, who has the Good of All Kenyans at heart. No amount of intimidation will stop him from speaking his mind and working for Nairobi and Kenyans at all. I am from Mandera County, the marginalized NFDand I am supporting you.”

Kalekeh wrote: ” How will @SakajaJohnson convince Nairobians to vote for him in 2022 after blocking all the efforts to allocate them more revenue… the best he can do is to break curfew rules and go drinking in some funny lounge.”

One Kihuri.Wa. Ndorongo said, “Watu was Nairobi technically don’t have a senator to protect your interests in the senate and ensure you get more services delivery… What you have is a walking cup of Senator keg. Kalewa na kuwachomea huko mbele.”


Kitsuru Oligarch wrote: “Most senators who opposed Revenue Allocation Bill like Sakaja were bribed because there is no other sensible reason. North Eastern are the most corrupt, governors & admins don’t do transformations, the use the funds to build flats in Eastleigh,”

Peter Kariuki said:” your enemies are marketing you more and more daily I agree. Kindly DM we need to do some good marketing for you. You have really done a good job for Nairobi and all Kenyans. We need to push #SakajaDelivers soon.”


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