Trump’s Last Minute Decision That Has Delayed Biden’s Path To Victory


Presidential hopeful Joe Biden is leading in the electoral colleges and it seems the incumbent President Trump is not taking it lying down.

Bidden is at 264 electoral collages which is 6 votes short of the 270 mark to be declared the American president. Biden leads in Nevada with a total of 588,252 votes against Trump’s 580,605. Nevada has 6 electoral colleges and that is what Biden is banking on to topple his opponent.

However, Trump’s latest decision to file lawsuit to halt counting could further delay Biden’s hope of being declared the American president.

Nevada officials had hoped to release the results before polls could close but were delayed by this lawsuit.

The court is expected to rule on that matter and the world await to see if the two candidates will concede defeat and congratulate one another.


Meanwhile, going by the numbers, the two candidates are neck to neck. They seem to have divided the country in the middle going by the results in the popular votes. With many protests currently being witnessed, the world hopes that the two candidates will live to see eye to eye. Therefore, the winner of this election will have a tough task ahead of uniting the country.


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