Tanzania Elections: Tundu Lissu rejects Elections Results


Tanzanian main opposition presidential candidate Tundu Lissu Thursday rejected the election results terming it a fraud.

Addressing reporters in Dar es Salaam, Lissu said the figures announced by the National Electoral Commission cannot be verified.

“We do not recognize what happened yesterday (Wednesday) … because it was marred by irregularities in all stages,” the Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo said.

“The results that have been announced since yesterday and which the Electoral Commission continues to announce today are, therefore, illegitimate. They do not reflect the true will of the millions of Tanzanian people who turned up at polling stations.”

The opposition chief said his party will not accept any results from the polls and asked the masses to “take the matter in their own hands” by engaging in peaceful demonstrations.

Provisional results show that incumbent John Magufuli is leading the pack as results keep on streaming from the polling stations.

At the moment Magufuli has nearly five times the mote compared to the total garnered by all the other 14 presidential candidates.

Lissu and several other opposition candidates said the vote had been rigged in favor of President Magufuli.

Zitto Kabwe, ACT-Wazalendo party leader, said the elections had confirmed Tanzania’s growth into a dictatorship.

“Tanzania in a full-blown one-party dictatorship. We shall resist this,” the presidential aspirant said  Thursday.

“I urge Tanzanians not to recognize any authority coming out of this widespread rigging. I ask the international community not to recognize this Tanzanian election. Consequences for this must be huge.”

However, the NEC’s chairperson rejected the accusation of fraud from the opposition.


Lissu asked Tanzanians to come out and engage in a peaceful mass demonstration against the results.

“We ask friends of Tanzania not to confer any recognition to these illegitimate results,” he added.

“Heads of intelligence and security services were teargassing our people.

“This election should not be given any form of legitimacy by the international community.”


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