Ringtone Si Mwanamme Kamili! Justina Syokau No Longer Interested In Him Over A Silly Thing He Did


Gospel Singer Justina Syokau has now changed her mind on fellow singer Ringtone and she is no longer interested in him.

The Twendi Twendi hitmaker had been eyeing Ringtone and wished that they would walk down the aisle before the year ends but that will no longer be the case.

This is after Ringtone went down on his knees to apologize after causing drama during the launch of Size 8’s album dubbed Gospel Anthem on Sunday February 13, a move that saw him get kicked out of the event.

According to Justina, Ringtone should have been man enough not to leave the venue of the event just because he had been asked to do so.

“He failed by kneeling for people and also leaving an event because he had been ordered to do so.  A man should be stiff and stand his ground so that people don’t think he is naive.  So I felt that I don’t want a man who is just told to leave and he just leaves. I want one who maintains his stand. Why did he kneel? You are supposed to only kneel to God while praying, not people,” Justina said in an interview with Mtembei TV.

She however said that she did not feel bad when Ringtone said that he is not interested in her but maintained that he is a good guy.

Ringtone went down on his knees to tender his apology over the Sunday drama during an interview earlier this week.

The Sunday drama was triggered when Size 8 asked Ringtone to leave the stage as it was  meant for pastors. The Pamela hitmaker however did not take the comment  well and went to address the press, something that angered Size 8’s husband DJ Mo.

“I’m walking out of this Album launch because we have come here to support Size 8, but she calls men of God to go to the pulpit and dedicate her album. When the pastors went to the pulpit I joined them because I also have my own pulpit, I’m a minister. Pastors don’t have the highest rank than a musician like me.

“But I went on stage then Size 8 chased me, saying this is a session for pastor’s only. I want to tell size 8, I’m also an anointed man of God who has survived this far. I’m so disappointed because Size 8 chased me from the pulpit,” Ringtone told the press before DJ Mo showed up and kicked him out of the venue.

RELATED STORY: Gospel Singer Ringtone Finally Addresses Justina Syokau’s Interest In Being His Wife





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