Revealed: When Mt. Kenya Foundation Will Unveil Their Preferred 2022 Presidential Candidate


Mt. Kenya Foundation is set to unveil their preferred presidential candidate in the 2022 general elections slated for August 9.

According to reports from reliable sources, the group will reveal their candidate probably from mid-November in a convention dubbed Limuru three.

The MKF convention will include MPs, governors, senators, MCAs, aspirants, religious leaders, businessmen and professionals from the Gikuyu, Meru and Embu communities.

Top leaders in Nakuru county are also expected to attend the meeting.

The MKF chair Titus Ibui confirmed the planned meeting but declined to give details on when it will be held.

“We have not settled on a date because consultations are ongoing but from mid next month,” Ibui said.

Other reports indicate that President Uhuru Kenyatta will be the one who will officially call the meeting since he is the  political Kingpin of mountain region

“There are ongoing consultations between the foundation, the political leadership from Mt Kenya region and the President to set a specific date for the summit,” a politician who is a member of the foundation said.

Kieni MP Kanini Kega that the meeting’s plans are underway but it must be convened by president Kenyatta.

Mt. Kenya Foundation organized meeting with several presidential aspirants in the coming election.

The group first met ODM leader Raila Odinga in late September where they vowed to back Odinga’s presidential bid.

The foundation also met with One Kenya Alliance principals namely Gideon Moi(KANU), Musalia Mudavadi (ANC), Kalonzo Musyoka(Wiper) and Moses Wetang’ula of For Kenya.

They however denied that they had settled on Raila as their preferred candidates following reports that had widely circulated in media outlets.

“Our meetings with Odinga and OKA was meant to invite them to Mt Kenya to campaign and sell their policies to the people,we have not decided on who to support.  We will make that decision later and it will include consultations with the people,” Ibui said.

The group however have not showed any intention of meeting with Deputy President William Ruto.

RELATED STORY: DP Ruto Dismisses Mt. Kenya Tycoons’ ‘Interviews’ With 2022 Presidential Aspirants





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