Raila, Ruto Allies Unite To Laugh At Mudavadi After His Visit In Meru Flops Terribly


Musalia Mudavadi brought together Raila Odinga and William Ruto’s allies who united to poke fun at him following a humiliating campaign in Meru.

All presidential hopefuls have been making attempts to infiltrate vote rich Mount Kenya region, and Mudavadi has not been left out either.

The ANC leader was in Meru county over the weekend to campaign, however only a few people turned up at his rally.

It was a big disappointment for Mudavadi as even local political leaders in Meru steered clear of his campaign.

Mudavadi was welcomed in Meru by his ally Kakamega senator Cleophas Malala when his chopper touched down.

The Kakamega senator got out of the chopper ahead of his party leader and took the initiate to welcome him as local politicians were missing in action.

Ruto’s ally Dennis Itumbi took to social media to poke fun at Mudavadi’s arrival in Meru, he posted a video which had a commentator welcoming the ANC leader.

Raila’s ally Donald Kipkorir also took a dig at Mudavadi over his flopped Meru visit. The flamboyant lawyer chided the ANC leader saying he is not at par with Raila and Ruto.

“Musalia Mudavadi when before a crowd he didn’t call, uses it to abuse Baba, wasn’t able to get one Meru leader to welcome him today. Senator Cleopas Malala had to exit the helicopter to welcome him to Meru. Hope he realized he is not at par with Baba or UDA Boss,” Donald Kipkorir posted on Twitter.

Related: End Of ANC? Raila, Ruto Benefit As Internal Wrangles In Mudavadi’s Party Cause Mass Exodus



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