End Of ANC? Raila, Ruto Benefit As Internal Wrangles In Mudavadi’s Party Cause Mass Exodus


Amani National Congress (ANC) has suffered self destruction as Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala, Lugari MP Ayub Savula and nominated MP Godfrey Osotsi fight intensify.

Malala and Savula who are both close confidants of party leader Musalia Mudavadi have conflicting interests as both are eying Kakamega gubernatorial seat.

The two lawmakers are both accusing each other of being William Ruto’s moles in ANC, to create tension and scatter Mudavadi’s 2022 presidential ambition.

Days ago nominated MP Osotsi reiterated claims that Malala is is working with Ruto secretly while claiming to spearhead Musalia’s presidential dream.

The revelation by Osotsi caused mixed reactions online and especially on Kakamega county Political forums, where senator Malala was asked to come clean on the issue raised.

Speaking during an interview on Radio Citizen on Wednesday September 15th, Malala claimed Osotsi is being used by ODM leaders to attack him for simply being Vocal on Musalia’s presidential Ambitions.

He went ahead and claimed that ODM team is facing it rough in Western after ‘losing ground’ and that they’re trying to do anything in order to remain relevant.

“There is totally nobody in Kakamega county and the whole country who is pushing for Musalia presidency than me. Then, if I’m working for Ruto, why should I market Mudavadi? This people are just bitter and are ready to do anything to destroy my reputation for standing with my party leader. Let me day this without fear of contradiction. I will not change my stand on supporting ANC Party leader and Orange democratic party leader should start learning how to live with that. 2022 Is coming and Musalia Mudavadi Must be president of this country. We are not slowing down anytime Soon,” said Malala.

The push and pull outfit between Malala, Savula and Osotsi has occasioned a dozen of aspirants for various elective positions to go slow on their bid through ANC party.

Several aspirants who were seeking to vie on ANC tickets have since decamped to Raila Odinga’s ODM and Ruto’s United Democratic Alliance (UDA).

Related: Senator Cleophas Malala Calls On Police To Arrest Raila For What He Did In Kakamega


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