Raila; I Am In No Deal With Uhuru About ‘Nusu Mkate’


While speaking on Milele FM, the opposition leader says he is not negotiating for a coalition with President Uhuru Kenyatta but hinted sweeping political changes.

Raila dismissed talk of looming ‘nusu mkate’ government with Uhuru Kenyatta. He said neither he nor Uhuru had approached the other over the possibility of forming a coalition at least before the next general election.

” Jubilee has not asked ODM to join the government as a coalition partner. Both of us have never discussed such a thing. What brings the two parties together is the handshake and Building Bridges Initiative,” Raila said.

AU Envoy Raila-Odinga

On Referendum 

The AU envoy said Kenyans should prepare for a referendum that would bring radical political changes before the end-year. According to Raila, once the BBI task force presents its findings and the Covid-19 crisis ends, the country will go for constitutional changes.

Mr. Odinga’s statements come amid rumors that he was in talks with President Kenyatta to have his party be incorporated in a Government of National Unity.

For some time now, there have been political talks that President Kenyatta’s decision to sign a coalition deal with Moi’s Kanu could be a sign of a bigger scheme to form a national government in preparation for Uhuru’s succession battle.


The former premier said his friendship with Uhuru would be there for a long time. When asked about whether he would run the presidency in 2022, Raila declined to talk about the matter.

He, however, said,” What I and the president is doing at the moment is to unite the country and bring necessary changes through the BBI.

At the moment we have two more years to talk about politics. We need to talk about economic recovery and BBI.”

In what seemed like an attack to DP Willian Ruto, Raila criticized politicians for undertaking early campaigns for big positions in 2022. Raila said it is not yet time for campaigns yet he hears people claiming they had political pacts with the president that they will govern the country for 10 years.


On Corruption 

Raila dismissed reports claiming that he is appointed by the president as the chair of the country’s economic recovery program.

” There is no such thing. The president has communicated to me such an arrangement. This is fake news. For the past few weeks, people have been calling to congratulate me over a non-existent position,”  He said.

On the fight against corruption, Raila praised the president for leading by example but blamed politicians and lawyers for subverting justice against the corrupt.

He said that politicians have become a major hindrance in the wat against corruption. He accused them of politicizing the war against graft and have constantly attacked both the DCI and ODPP.



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