MP Barasa offers NTV journalist Dennis Okari Ksh500k in legal aid


Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa has offered NTV Investigative Reporter Dennis Okari Ksh500,000 in legal aid following his expose dubbed COVID-19 millionaires.

The MP  who himself is facing fraud charges in court revealed that the money will cater for his legal fees after one of the alleged beneficiaries of expose Richard Ngatia moved to court to institute libel case against Okari and NTV.

Barasa commended the investigative piece by Okari, claiming that, after the exposé, Covid-19 cases being reported in the country reduced.

“Because of his exposé we have seen the numbers dropping from 600’s to 100’s, it means that he has foiled the business that was benefiting from the numbers going up.

“I will send the money to him because I’m told some people have sued him so I want to lead Kenyans in standing with Okari for exposing the Covid-19 millionaires,” he explained.

The Kimilili MP added that he is willing to offer the cash to Okari without the NTV investigate reporter asking for it.


Didmus Barasa
Didmus Barasa

He noted that he will look for Okari’s lawyer to ensure that the cash is transferred to him by Thursday, August 27, when he travels to Nairobi.

Barasa claimed that some of the names implicated in the COVID-19 corruption scandal colluded to manufacture substandard Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to mint money.

“I am informed that these people, after selling all the donated PPEs, they may have resorted to manufacturing contraband PPEs to sell.


“If you look at the people who are mentioned are the vocal ODM MPs, this tells you that we people of Mulembe nation are worried after they formed government, they can sell our land to Uganda,” he claimed.

The MP urged the Director of Public Prosecutions, Noordin Haji, to charge Health CS Mutahi Kagwe with manslaughter.



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