Moses Kuria Vows To Stop Ruto From Returning Kenya To One Party Dictatorship


Gatundu member of parliament Moses Kuria has vowed to stop deputy president William Samoei Ruto from the one party dictatorship.

According to Kuria, there are certain individuals who are determined to take the country back to the dark past by limiting the growth of other parties.

The legislator added that these individuals were hoping to use that aspect of one party state to block Mt. Kenya region from ever ascending to power again in future. He also castigated Ruto for continuously going around the country and referring to some parties as tribal.

“I have heard some people go around the country saying that other parties are tribal parties. Let me say one thing, we once had one party, not just a national party but the only party called KANU.

We saw the consequences that that party took us through and we know there are some designs of other people to take us back to that one party dictatorship. We went to the streets to fight for multi-partism. We are not going back to the streets again.

We are going to be there and nobody has a right to brand other people small parties or tribal parties. I think by new year personally when I come back because I want to take some backseat until the new year.

“We will go all over and let’s meet in the field. May the best man win. Let no one go there and brag that they are a national party or the tribal party.

I also know that some people want to remove our region from the equation of the next dispensation because they think that they got our region in the pockets. I want to say olewao, things are just about to unveil and I hope they change their thoughts and orientation towards that dictatorship mentality that saw this country almost go to the dogs.

Kuria also admitted that Mt. Kenya will not produce the next president of the country but maintained that they must produce the deputy president given their huge numbers. As a result, he endorsed former Gichugu member of parliament Martha Karua for the position of the deputy president.

“So in all likelihoods, it is unlikely that Mt. The Kenya region is going to produce the next president of this country. At the same time, given our voting numbers, we are entitled to produce the next deputy president of this country.

“And in my own individual capacity as the Gatundu South member of parliament, I want to endorse the honorable Martha Karua for the position of the deputy president. She has integrity, she has the stamina, she has a record, she has a clear standing record as a crusader for both multipartism and human rights, for the defense of the constitution.” Said Moses Kuria.

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