The passage of an impeachment resolution against Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza has finally started bothering her.
Governor Kawira Mwangaza has filed a court petition asking for a stay of proceedings against the Meru County Assembly members who would be debating whether to impeach the governor.
“We are focused on our work and are not worried about the numerous accusations that are being made. Lawyers will argue with other lawyers, but the truth will always come out, “explained Kawira Mwangaza.
A number of alleged infractions against Kawira are enumerated in the motion put forth by Abogeta as MCA Dennis Kiogora proposes the governor’s impeachment.

She is implicated in nepotism, wrongful hiring, wrongful firing, provocation, bullying, and running defamatory campaigns against other leaders.
The governor claimed that despite the impeachment hanging over her head, she has consistently continued to handle county operations, claiming that since God gave her victory, no man can take it away.
“We are working na serikali ya mama iko imara. Yule anataka kusimamisha kazi yake kwa sababau ya siasa asimamishe lakini kila mtu atawajibika kivyake,” Kawira said.
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