Lobby Accuses ODM And Jubilee For Stifling Democracy


Political Parties Liaison Committee (PPLC) has accused Jubilee and the ODM party of crippling multi-party democracy in Kenya.

The chairman of PLLC Irungu Nyakera said the political bickering and realignment that is currently happening is a wider method that two “big political parties” are using to kill over 40 political parties.

“We are aware of the political maneuvering geared towards eradication of multiparty democracy espoused in the Constitution. The purported post-election coalitions and merger are ill-advised,” Irungu Nyaera said.

From left, President Uhuru Kenyatta, Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka, and Kanu Leader Gideon Moi. The three plotting a post-election coalition. Photo courtesy of Capital FM

Kanu and Jubilee have already signed a post-election agreement at a time when President Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto are in a public cold war. Kalonzo Musyoka’s Wiper Party has also joined the fold.

According to Nyakera the wrangles in Amani National Congress, Jubilee, and Ford Kenya is just another plot to destroy the multipartyism in the country.

The lobby group is certain that President Uhuru is the ringleader of the move and he is being supported by the ODM Party leader, Raila Odinga who they believe has forgotten the struggles he endured to bring multiparty democracy in the country.

“Political parties have long been under siege and it began with a skewed allocation of the political parties fund to benefit only a few political parties,” PLLC said.


The group also faulted the appointment of the current Registrar of Political Parties claiming it was conducted when Jubilee began experiencing wrangles.

According to the PLLC chairperson, the move was meant to either intimidate the current acting Registrar or to allow room for the appointment of a politically correct one who will play ball with the system to actualize their devious plan to finish political parties.


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