Keroche’s Tabitha Karanja To Vie For Nakuru Senatorial Seat


Keroche Industries founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tabitha Karanja has expressed interest in vying for an elective seat in the upcoming general elections.

Tabitha Karanja has said that she would contest the Nakuru senatorial seat come 2022 general election. Mrs. Karanja, who is known for her entrepreneurial exploits, has never had anything to do with politics. She is known for beer-making Industry, which is based in Nakuru County.

In admitting that her name would be on the ballot, the businesswoman said that she had consulted with close friends – even though she has, for a long time, been off politics. “I have new business ideas which can spur this country ahead economically, and when the time is right, I will name my political vehicle, Mrs. Karanja said.

The tycoon, however, did not say which party she would be using in pursuit of her political goals. Currently, the seat is held by Ms. Susan Kihika, who has since expressed her interests to unseat the current Nakuru governor, Mr. Lee Kinyanjui, using UDA ticket.

Other politicians who are eyeing the Nakuru senatorial seat are former Nakuru senator Paul Mungai, Mike Weche, Andrew Yatich, former Nakuru Level 5 Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr. Joseph Mburu and Daniel Kimani.

Although the businesswoman did not open up on which ticket she would use to vie for Nakuru senatorial seat, many people would speculate that it would not be UDA.

Mrs. Karanja is known for having very close ties with ODM leader Raila Odinga. Indeed, Raila has been on her defense every time the government would want to curtail the progress of her beer business. It is, however, still a well-guarded secret and people can only speculate

Tabitha Karanja also stated that she would push for change of laws that have been impetus to unfair business practices – may be referring to how successive governments have been trying to stifle her progress.

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