Kalonzo Loses Makueni By-Elections Days After He Was Stoned And Chased As Ruto Performs Impressively


William Ruto’s UDA is more popular than Kalonzo Musyoka’s Wiper party in Makueni county – Nguu/Masumba by-election result has just confirmed.

Kalonzo’s candidate Eshio Maundu Mwaiwa emerged distant third in the just concluded by-election in Nguu-Masumba ward in Makueni county.

Timothy Maneno who is allied to Makueni governor Kivutha Kibwana defeated UDA’s candidate Daniel Kivuva Musau who came second and Wiper’s Eshio Maundu Mwaiwa to secure the hotly contested race.

Timothy Maneno emerged to be the winner by getting 2,894 votes – equivalent to 43% of total votes cast – while UDA Daniel Musau was the second candidate with 2,223 votes -33% – and Wiper’s Eshio Mwaiwa got 1,601 votes – 24 %.

Kalonzo’s defeat to Makueni governor Kivutha Kibwana was no surprise, but losing to Ruto that is the shocker.

The Wiper leader together with other OKA principals Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetangula were chased and pelted with stones while campaigning in Makueni ahead of the by-election.

Kalonzo only condemned the violence in Makueni after his candidate was handed a humiliating defeat on October 14th by-election.

“The violence witnessed in sections of the ward was unnecessary and against the Wiper ideals and ethos. This does not deter our resolve to take the leadership of this country and deal a deathly  blow to corruption once and for all,” said Kalonzo.

Kalonzo’s bid to cement his status as Ukambani supreme kingpin is facing serious challenge from the regions three governors who are keen to share the spoils with him.

Makueni governor Kibwana and his Machakos counterpart Alfred Mutua have both declared interest to vie for president as they are on their last leg of their term in office.

Wiper’s defeat in the Nguu/Masumba by-election leaves governor Kibwana as the political supremo of Makueni county.

This spells doom for Kalonzo because if he can’t consolidate the support of Kamba nation to be solidly behind him he loses the bargaining power on the high table where he will forced to negotiate with Raila or Ruto – the two most formidable presidential candidates – from a disadvantaged position, or with other OKA principals who are all jostling to secure each others’ support to vie for president.

Related: Kalonzo, Mudavadi, Wetangula Chased Like Thieves In Makueni As Campaigns Turn Chaotic


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