Isaac Mwaura Reveals Why Raila Odinga Was Not Endorsed On Mashujaa Day


Former Jubilee nominated senator Isaac Mwaura has revealed that there was a plan to endorse Raila Odinga on Mashujaa day.

According to Mwaura, the plan however failed when an unexpected thing happened at Wang’uru stadium in Kirinyaga county during the October 20, 2021 celebrations.

Mwaura was speaking during a political show at radio Jambo dubbed Mazungumzo wazi wazi where he said that those on ground had cooked the plan and it was ready for execution.

Other guests in the studio included former ANC secretary general Brian Mong’are and lawyer and activist Brian Weke.

During the discussion, Mwaura claimed that the plan to endorse Odinga was abandoned when governor Anne Waiguru called on Deputy President William Ruto to address the crowd.

The loud cheer and deafening applause when the DP was called upon sent the organizers of the plan into panic.

He said that the organizers feared that the popularity which the DP enjoys in the area would have resulted in bad scenes if they were to proceed with endorsing Raila hence their decision to shelve the plan and proceed with the official schedule.

He further claimed that Odinga’s recent visits to the mountain region before Mashujaa Day were meant for preparing him for the event.

Mwaura lost his seat after being expelled by Jubilee for campaigning  for a candidate from a different political party.

In March, his name was removed from the members of Jubilee party

“It is notified for the information of the public that pursuant to Article103 (1) (e) (i) of the Constitution and section 37 of the Elections Act, the seat of the Member of the Senate elected under Article 98 (1) (d) of the Constitution and held by Hon. Isaac Mwaura Maigua became vacant, with effect from the 7th May 2021,” the notice by Jubilee read.

Mwaura who is affiliated to DP Ruto is eyeing the Ruiru parliamentary seat in the coming general elections.

Last week, he led a delegation from Ruiru and some parts of Kiambu county to DP Ruto’s Karen residence where they vowed to back Ruto in succeeding president Uhuru Kenyatta.

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