“I’m Smart. It’s Only That I Didn’t Get Education” Pastor Nganga Brags How He Exploited US Birthright Citizenship


Former US president Donald Trump tried to end birthright citizenship in America in a bid to stop people like Pastor James Nganga from exploiting the system.

Trump vowed to sign an executive order that would seek to end the right to US citizenship for children born in the United States to noncitizens.

Birthright citizenship guarantees children born in United States citizenship even if both of their parents are not American citizens.

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside,” Citizenship Clause in the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution states.

While Trump attempted to stop birthright citizenship through an executive order, he didn’t succeed because it’s guaranteed in the US constitution.

Birthright citizenship has seen many people travel to the US just to give birth there so that their children can get American citizenship. This is exactly what Pastor James Nganga of Neno Evangelism Center and his wife did.

Pastor Nganga bragged about how he exploited birthright citizenship while preaching in US. The controversial preacher is on a tour of United States.

While ministering in Washington, Nganga bragged about his firstborn son with his second wife – his first wife passed away – was birthed in the USA making him an automatic US citizen.

“I’m James Maina, not learned. The little I know is used to spread the gospel. I have a TV station called Sasa TV and I’m a crazy preacher as in matata, like it or not. It doesn’t matter what people are saying about you, you talk about yourself. I’m a rich preacher, I have cars and hotels…”

“There is a year I came to America like six times, I was so jaded because of the nasty jetlag. At the time my wife was very young, I do have a young wife, so in one of the trips, at the time she was pregnant, she came and gave birth here.”

“I’m smart. it is only that I did not get an education. Mimi ni mjanjaree. She gave birth to our son in Carolina, now I have an American child, so when we go to get our visa’s he line up in the mzungu lane and us the other lane,” pastor Nganga boasted.

Related: Pastor Nganga Narrates How Kamba Women Are Easy Lay, Brags How He Mercilessly ‘Devoured’ Ladies From Ukambani


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