Fireworks Awaits Senators As Revenue Sharing Formula Debate Resume Today


A fierce debate is expected today at the Senate after members failed to agree on the third basis for sharing revenue between the 47 counties

A team that was appointed by Speaker Ken Lusaka to strike a deal and come up with a compromise report had not agreed on a formula

The two sides were still pulling strings on their ends. The Senators whose counties will gain have vowed to fight for the adoption of the formula while those who counties will lose have insisted that the status quo must remain.

Sources say that those whose counties will gain from the proposed formula want the methods approved as it is.

The Finance and Budget Committee has proposed that the formula that would see 18 counties lose up to Sh17 billion if adopted, be approved but it is operationalized after a year.

On the other side, Senators who counties will lose want the current formula to remain, or they be assured by the National Treasury that more cash will be allocated to the counties in the next financial year to ensure no county loses revenue.

“Not yet, but we shall work very day and minute to reach a deal. It is never over until it is over,” Majority Chief Whip Irungu Kangata told the Star.

While the Minority Chief Whip Mutula Kilonzo Jr said, “No, [it’s] going to the wire.”

According to Senator Naomi Waqo, her colleagues whose counties are set to lose will remain firm in opposing the new formula.

“Let us not be emotional. We should be guided by reason. The amounts some counties stand to lose are huge and it is for that reason that we will fight to have the status quo remain,” she said.

According to Waqo, the population should not be a major factor in considering the allocation but the poverty levels should dictate the formula.

While Kiambu Senator Kimani Wamatangi said the formula should strive to bring  “equity and equality” in allocations to the counties.


“Some counties will still be earning far much more per capita with the new formula but their leaders are still arguing that they are losing,” he added.

At least 21 Senators from arid and semi-arid counties have opposed the proposed revenue sharing formula citing it will disenfranchise and further marginalize their counties.

The disputed third basis for sharing revenue between the counties will come up for debate today, Thursday after three failed attempts.


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