DP William Ruto’s Kisii Tour Leaves Man Fighting For His Life


Deputy President William Ruto was on a three-day tour to Kisii County as from Saturday October 2, 2021 which ended on Monday October 4.

The tour however did not go so well in some parts of the county because of Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) supporters clashing with Ruto’s United Democratic Movement (UDA) supporters.

For instance at Suneka where a man was left fighting for his dear life after a clash between supporters of the two political parties.

Photos from the scene show youths carrying clubs and stones as DP Ruto was approaching Suneka junction.

Trouble began when ODM supporters began heckling and jeering at the second in command leading to a confrontation between the parties.

A man was captured in a photo lying on the ground after being hit with a club. That occurred when Ruto was addressing the crowd.

It is reported that the man was rushed to the hospital by Kisii deputy governor Joash Maangi.

Ruto was whisked away to the late Bonchari MP Oroo Oyoka’s home due to the chaos.


The violence was witnessed again when Ruto was leaving the home but normalcy was restored giving him a chance to address the locals.

Ruto condemned the violence while accusing some leaders of paying youths to cause the chaos.

“It is wrong for some of our leaders to pay youth to cause violence. It is time the youth realize that it is wrong to fight each other. They should know they need jobs and businesses and they should not be used by hooligans,” Ruto said.

He also said that money that was set aside for development should be used on development projects while adding that the Jubilee administration had initiated development projects in the region.

Ruto who was accompanied by Kisii Deputy Governor Joash Maangi, South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro, Kitutu Masaba MP Joash Nyamoko amongst other leaders.

RELATED STORY: Ruto’s Ally Publicly Declares That He Will Deny Voters Bursaries


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