The outgoing American president Donald Trump has assured his supporters of a major electoral win come next week.
Through his official social media handles, Trump said that they are making major progress and results will start trickling next week. According to Trump, America will be “made great again” in few days.
Donald Trump’s sentiments come few days after he was defeated by former vice president Joe Biden in the general elections. However, Trump failed to concede defeat citing electoral malpractices.
Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump with a convincing gap of 294 electoral votes vis-à-vis Trump’s 214. The Republican’s decision to protest the outcomes of this process implies that America will stay a little bit longer before knowing their president.
In a number of petitions, Donald Trump through his lead lawyer Rudy Giuliani filed many lawsuits in a number of states. They are seeking recount of votes in key swing states that they believe was won unfairly by Joe Biden. Trump’s side alleged that there was fault play since their agents were not allowed to access the tallying center.
The controversy created by Trump comes amid many world leaders sending congratulatory messages to the President-elect Joe Biden. Immediately after his election, Biden stated that he would be establishing a Coronavirus Taskforce to deal with the pandemic.
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United States and the world at large await to see what victory Trump is referring to come next week.