
Waititu: My friends don’t pick my phone calls anymore

Estranged Ferdinand Waititu is currently scratching his hairline off because of the serious stress he is currently going through thanks to the heavy cases...

KCAA slashes business licences in half for this product

Today, the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA) announced new draft charges for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), better known as drones. Revealed in a stakeholder consultation...

ODM de-whips defiant Ledama ole Kina after meeting with James Orengo

Today, the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party moved to withdraw Narok Senator Ledama ole Kina's membership in Senate Public Accounts Committee days after he...

Kenyans Covid-19 Cases Rise to 607 as 25 more test positive

Health CAS Rashid Aman announced that Kenya's confirmed Covid-19 cases have risen to 607 after 25 more people tested positive for the virus out...

Waititu cries after his property get repossessed by the government

Former Kiambu Governor is crying foul to the government after his properties get repossessed. The recently impeached governor failed to explain the source of his...


