New research claims that bald men could be at a higher risk of exhibiting severe Covid-19 symptoms
Carlos Wambier, a researcher at Brown University told Daily Telegraph he believes that baldness is a perfect predictor of the severity of the coronavirus.
Other medical professions have, however, urged caution and believe that more evidence is needed to support the claim.
As per the report given by the Telegraph, Prof Wambier did two studies in Spain, from which he came to the conclusion that a disproportionate number of bald men were admitted in hospitals with COVID-19.
According to the study, Prof. Wambier observed that out of 41 patients he examined in his first study, 71% of them featured male pattern baldness – a higher percentage than the background rate of baldness in men at a given age.
In his other study which was published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Professor Wambier noted that 80% of the 122 male with Covid-19 were bald.
Prof Wambier’s research comes after evidence suggested that men are more likely to die from coronavirus than females. Studies indicate that androgens, male sex hormones that can also cause hair loss, could also increase the chances of the virus to attack the male cells.
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At the moment some researchers have begun to establish whether treatments that suppress the androgens could help patients with Covid-19. Some of these identified therapies are used in the treatment of prostate cancer.
“There are now several clinical studies starting which hope to address these issues, but much more evidence is needed before we can know whether these hormone therapies would be an effective treatment for Covid-19,” Ms. Stalbow said.