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24 new cases of COVID-19 in Kenya in the last 24 hours

24 more people have tested positive for Covid-19, taking the country's total number of confirmed cases to 435. While issuing the daily Covid-19 presser...

Water boat aka ferry capsizes in Lake Victoria

UPDATE: The passengers from the Lake Victoria ferry that capsized have all been rescued. Red Cross stated through their official social media platforms that...

Covid-19 – Ministry of Health official infected 11 patients in Kawangware

Yesterday, Health DG Dr Patrick AMoth disclosed that one of the 20 cases that had contracted the Covid-19 virus in Kawangware was an employee...

Tecra Muigai daughter of Keroche Breweries CEO dies in tragic accident

The family of Keroche Breweries proprietors Joseph and Tabitha Karanja is mourning the death of their daughter Tecra Muigai. Keroche Breweries corporate affairs department confirmed...

Mutahi Kagwe lists 23 COVID-19 hotspot areas in Nairobi and Mombasa

Mutahi Kagwe, the Health CS has said there are 23 coronavirus hotspot areas in Nairobi and Mombasa. Speaking during a press briefing on Friday,...


Mike Sonko Nearly Roughed Up By Youths In Kariokor

On Friday, Mike Sonko showed up in Kariokor area...

Duale deploys KDF to all 47 counties

Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale has officially gazetted the...

Lavington Church cancels Rachel Ruto event after uproar

First Lady Rachel Ruto was scheduled to grace a...

“Fare Thee Well” Passaris Condoles Family Of Maina Wanjigi

Renown politician and Businessman Jimi Wanjigi has been thrown...