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Uhuru, Raila inflating Covid-19 numbers for political gain-Kimani Ngunjiri

Kimani Ngunjiri, the Bahati MP has hit out at the government for allegedly using the coronavirus pandemic to play political games and scheme against...

DCI are plotting to arrest Senator Kipchumba Murkomen-Oscar Sudi

Oscar Sudi, the Kapseret has stated that he has information that the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) is planning to arrest Elgeyo Marakwet Senator...

Uhuru Kenyatta closes Kenya’s border with Tanzania and Somalia

Uhuru Kenyatta has announced the closure of the border between Kenya and Tanzania and Somalia to mitigate the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. Addressing the...

Former IEBC commissioner Roselyn Akombe promises to spill the beans on 2017 polls

Roselyn Akombe, the former Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) commissioner has promised Kenyans a dose of vital information on what happened during the...

I’m not the one who hurt you – Angry Lillian Muli blasts fan over community husband remarks

Lillian Muli, the Citizen TV anchor has blasted a fan who said that her Kisii community husband had turned her into a psycho. Like our...


Details of Ruto’s trip to Switzerland

President William Ruto has arrived in Bürgenstock, Switzerland, for...

G7 leaders support Ruto for financial reforms

The G7 summit has responded positively to President William...

‘I endorse this message’ David Ndii reacts push for Kenyans to unfollow him on social media

President William Ruto's Economic Advisor David Ndii has endorsed...

Salasya Reacts After Being Urged To Ran Away With Finance Bill Like Taiwan MP

Kenyans are keen on ensuring that the controversial Finance...