Uhuru, Raila inflating Covid-19 numbers for political gain-Kimani Ngunjiri


Kimani Ngunjiri, the Bahati MP has hit out at the government for allegedly using the coronavirus pandemic to play political games and scheme against Deputy President William Ruto.

The DP’s ally claimed President Uhuru Kenyatta and his “elder brother” Raila Odinga were inflating COVID-19 cases in the country for political gain.

Kimani Ngunjiri
Kimani Ngunjiri

In a press conference in Eldoret town on Saturday, May 16, the Tanga Tanga lawmaker poked holes in the rising coronavirus cases in the country saying the numbers were suspicious.

“Those people who are dying due to diseases like asthma and HIV/AIDS are placed under the coronavirus death category so that the numbers continue to rise as they plan how to prolong their stay in power. One day we shall reveal the truth,” he said.

The MP who was accompanied by Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi said several leaders were being oppressed by the government because of their political position. He claimed his life was in danger as he was being trailed by unknown people.

“They can kill me or others and do anything they want but the question is so what after that?” he posed.

Kimani Ngunjiri
Kimani Ngunjiri

Kenya’s COVID-19 cases increased to 830 after Uhuru confirmed 49 new cases in the afternoon of Saturday, May 16, at State House, Nairobi. The cases have risen rapidly of late with imported cases from Tanzania and Somalia being a huge factor that prompted Kenya to close its border with the two countries.

“In the last week we have unfortunately witnessed an increased number of imported cases among individuals crossing into our countries through our borders; these areas have become a matter of grave concern to us,” Uhuru said.

“Forty three cases have recently crossed the border from Somalia and Tanzania. There will be a cessation of movement of persons and any passengers into and out of the territory through Tanzania and Somalia effective midnight today,” he added.

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