‘Akipigwa Na Radi Ataambia Nini Watu’ Millicent Omanga Receives Backlash After Sharing DP Ruto Photo


Nominated senator Millicent Omanga was on the receiving end after sharing a photo of Deputy President William Ruto being rained on.

Omanga took to her Facebook page to share the photo of DP Ruto who was on  a three day tour in Kisii.

She captioned the photo “Hustler” thus eliciting reactions especially from the anti-hustlers.

“Akipigwa na radi ataambia Nini watu. Akishikwa na pneumonia ataambia Nini watu,” a Facebook user wrote on the comments section.

Another one said, “So hustlers choose to be rained on Tu ama ni tough state of affairs that keeps us in streets come rain or shine co we don’t have an option. Hii ufala mlitufanyia Na Uhuru last time SAA hii nchi inakaa nanzenzz. Anyway God makes rain to fall on the righteous and the wicked just like he makes the sun shine for both.”

“Only mad people stand in the rain. Even JC never did stupid things in the name of being humble,” said a netizen.

“Hatujasahau bei ya mafuta wakati huyu alikuwa akinyeshewa 2017 na bei ya sahizi,” another comment read.

“Tunanyesheangwa kila siku tukichuna majani chai so hii si kitu special juu ata yeye ni binadamu kama sisi,” a netizen could not hold back his feelings.

DP Ruto was addressing a crowd at Suneka market  as he sold his bottom-up economic model when it begun raining.

According to photos shared by DP Ruto on his twitter account, he had opened an office block at Bomachoge Chache Constituency Development Funds and also addressed residents in Kenyenya, Mogonga, Tendere, Ogembo, Ikoba, Tabaka, Nyachenge and Suneka Markets in Kisii County on Sunday.

He however received some hostile reception in some parts where ODM youths jeered at him while chanting ODM as he addressed the crowds.

Ruto however sold his agenda telling the locals that he was the best person to succed president Uhuru Kenyatta.

RELATED STORY: Ruto Ana Madharau Akwende- Kisii Voters Tell Him After Donating 1 Million


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