Aden Duale: Jubilee Political Party Is Now A Scrap Metal


Garissa Township Member of Parliament Aden Duale has blamed Jubilee’s top leadership and Raila Odinga for the party’s current state.

According to Duale, the ranks and membership of jubilee are now like scrap metal.

“I want Tuju, Murathe and the conmen who abducted Jubilee to hear me out. The current status of Jubilee in terms of rank and membership is like scrap metal. We are tired of intimidation and blackmail. We are in no business buying Jubilee as scrap metal,” Duale said.

Addressing a rally in Juja on Wednesday, Duale claimed President Uhuru Kenyatta is planning to sell Jubilee to the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader.

“We are telling our president, ulikuwa na nafasi, ulikuwa na chama ya kitaifa lakini ulikubali wakora, wizi na walevi wateke nyara hio chama mpaka leo imekua scrap metal unataka kuuzia mtu ya kitendawili. (We are telling our president, he had a chance, he had a national party but you entertained conmen, thieves and drunkards, the party till today is a scrap metal you want to sell it to the person of riddles),” the former leader of majority in the National Assembly said.

Duale recounted on how he was ousted as the majority leader yet he has always defended President Kenyatta.

 “Nyinyi watu wa mlima mnajua mimi Aden Duale, usiku na mchana nimesimama kulinda Uhuru Kenyatta na serikali yake na mimi nikafurushwa kama mbwa.(You people of the mountain know that I, Aden Duale, I have stood by Uhuru Kenyatta and his government day and night and I was chased like a dog,” the lawmaker recounted.

Duale further dared Jubilee to remove DP William Ruto saying that his position is anchored in the constitution and remains as it is until the next general elections.

“The position of the Deputy President is anchored in law…the removal of the Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya is well stipulated in the Constitution,” Duale said.

He urged those with the intention of removing the second in command from office should follow the right channels.

“You can remove the DP of the Republic of Kenya elected together with the President if he has committed a gross violation of the Constitution, if he has gone bankrupt or if he has a mental incapacitation,” he added.

RELATED STORY: Moses Kuria Vows To Stop Ruto From Returning Kenya To One Party Dictatorship





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