A Form Four Boy Beaten To Death After Sneaking Into A Neighboring Girls School


A form four boy was today beaten to death by angry residents after he was found to have sneaked into a girls’ school. The incident happened when the 17-year old lad sneaked into Komothai Girls Secondary school, Kiambu County.

It was also learnt that the deceased had led five other boys from their institution, Githuruini Boys High school, with whom he went to invade their neighboring Komothai Girls institution.

According to the eye-witness, the school watchman, the boys had sneaked into the girl’s institution when they were sighted next to Phoebe House – the girls’ dormitory. “They had escaped from their school and trespassed into ours. Some people sighted them at Phoebe House – the dormitory for girls,” the security guard, whom had reported the incidence at the local police station, recounted.

The security guard said that the trespass came to be known when girls, on realizing that something was amiss, screamed, which alerted the teacher on duty, security guard and other teachers.

The other five that had accompanied the dead boy recalled their escape route, and vanished away while one of them was caught, and taught a lesson by angry residents who were equally alerted at that wee hour of the night.

The deceased was beaten by students, the villagers and the school staff – after which he sustained very serious injuries in the head and on other body parts.

“He was rushed to Kigumo Level four hospital in unconscious state, but later succumbed to the inflicted injuries while undergoing treatment,” read a statement from the police report. The body of the deceased was then taken to Kigumo morgue awaiting for the autopsy report to be conducted on it.

Kibichoi Officer Commanding Police Station (OCS) led a team of other policemen to carry out prima facie investigation on the case of the death.

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