William Ruto played 3,000 Defect From UDA In Kisii Just A Day After Ruto Toured Gusii Region


William Ruto’s two day tour of Gusii region was meant to woo more people to join his party UDA, but the opposite happened – 3,000 defected.

Ruto pitched camp in Nyamira county for two days in a bid to convince locals to support his 2022 presidential bid.

Gusii region has traditionally voted for Raila Odinga, but Ruto is trying to change that political tide come 2022 presidential election.

The DP’s tour witnessed all sort of political shenanigans, his handers were seen dishing out handout to residents to attend rallies.

The bribing exercise was spearheaded by West Mugirango MP Vincent Kemosi who was seen giving people money as they stood in a queue.

Penetrating Gusii region seems to be quite a hard nut to crack, just a day after Ruto’s tour some 3,000 youth defected from UDA.

Dagoretti North MP Simba Arati and Kitutu Chache MP Richard Momoima Onyonka held a rally in Kisii to receive the UDA supporters who decamped to ODM.

The MPs while addressing residents noted that ODM is the party to beat in Gusii region, and insisted the region will overwhelmingly vote for Raila in 2022.

“Wana ni viongozi wa vijana ambao wamekuwa wakifanya kazi na chama cha UDA, wameamua kwa kauli moja watajiunga na chama cha ODM. Wameamua watasupport Raila Amollo Odinga kama rais wa tano wa nchi ya Kenya,” said Onyonka.

Simba Arati cautioned the defectors that UDA will try to woo them back, he advised the 3,000 defecators to squander UDA money and vote for Raila.

“Wacha niwaambie sasa, lazima mukuwe wajanja. Mutatafutwa tena. Mukitafutwa kwenda peleka tumbo, lakini musipeleke akili huko,” said Arati.

Onyonka and Arati have been campaigning fiercely for Raila in Kisii and Nyamira counties, holding big rallies to encourage locals to support the ODM leader.

Related: Heckling, Walkouts, Bribes… Ruto’s Nyamira Tour Fails To Win Him Any Support


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