Heckling, Walkouts, Bribes… Ruto’s Nyamira Tour Fails To Win Him Any Support 


Deputy President William Ruto pitched camp in Nyamira county for two days, his trip witnessed all sort of political shenanigans – from bribing residents to attend his rallies etc.

Ruto is desperate to sway the larger Gusii region to vote for him in 2022, the fact that he was in Nyamira county for two days is quite telling.

Gusii region has traditionally voted for Raila Odinga, but Ruto is trying to change that political tide come 2022 presidential election.

So desperate is Ruto to sway Gusii region that he is willing to do anything. On Monday the DP falsely told residents that vocal Raila Odinga ally Borabu MP Ben Momanyi had joined his hustler camp.

While campaigning in Borabu Constituency, Ruto falsely claimed that area MP Ben Momanyi had accompanied him for the tour.

The DP mentioned that Momanyi was in his company while he was introducing his entourage to locals in Borabu constituency.

Ruto said the Borabu lawmaker was in his midst and even looked for him when he mentioned his name while addressing residents.

On Tuesday, it was another mess altogether. Photos and videos circulated on social media on showing the DP’s handers dishing out handout to residents to attend rallies.

The bribing exercise was spearheaded by West Mugirango MP Vincent Kemosi who was seen giving people money as they stood in a queue.

The West Mugirango MP while speaking in local dialect begged his constituents to attend and maintain tolerance in Ruto’s events so that they can receive handouts.

Kemosi also urged the youths he was addressing to deal with anybody that tries to heckle Ruto in Nyamira since they would not be arrested by anyone.

“I know some of you are in ODM, FORD KENYA, JUBILEE but let’s pretend we are in UDA for Ruto to give us money. I know you dislike me but for today let’s put our differences aside for Ruto to give us money. Today I want you to deal with anyone who tries to disrupt or heckle Ruto’s tour in Nyamira mercilessly case baadaye you won’t be arrested,” the MP said.

Despite bribing residents not to heckle Ruto, some still went on to chant Raila’s name while the DP was addressing them.

During the opening of Administrative Police quarters at Itibo Chief’s Camp in Bomwagamo, Ruto and his team were met with a major unexpected shocker as residents staged a walkout.

As Ruto was introducing some of the grassroot leaders, several residents started storming out of the meeting which showed how dissatisfied they are with the address.

Separately, Ruto also engaged in PR stunt while in Nyamira, he took a cup tea at a mud hotel dubbed ‘Bottom Up Hotel’.

The PR stunt backfired as netizens quickly trolled him on social media the moment he share photos online.

Related: Bottom Up Hotel: Tricks Used By Ruto’s Organizers Before He Visited To Fool Kenyans




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