13-Year-Old Kenyan Beats 1.7 Million People to Win Global Award


Claire Gakii, a 13-year-old girl from Kenya, won the prize in the 52nd international competition of the World Postal Organization-UPU.

Gakii wrote a letter that asked children to write a letter to someone and explain what magical powers would be needed to achieve the goal of making the road safe for children.

In the competition organized in collaboration with the United Nations Road Safety Fund and the UPU, Claire emerged as the winner among 1.7 million children’s letters submitted from 35 countries.

Gakii received her award on Thursday, October 5 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia where four meetings of the UPU were held, and before World Post Day.

Claire in her letter stated, among other things, that she will cooperate with security officers, educate children formulate policies to protect children, and ensure they are implemented.

Claire Gakii speaking after receiving her award on Thursday October 5, 2023. Photo/CA.

“I will work hand in hand with the road safety mafias to teach children how to use the road and the reasons for pedestrian paths. I will develop policies to protect children and ensure that these policies are clearly visible and implemented. (……..) I believe that if we all work together, we will be able to make a difference in the lives of children and help prevent accidents on the road,” she wrote.

Speaking at the event, the Director General of UPU Masahiko Metoki touched on something highlighted by many children in their letters and that was “We will not be able to rely on supernatural forces to ensure road safety.”

Metoki touched on the winner’s letter saying that if the community works together, it can achieve the important goal of having safe roads.

Focusing on measures such as working to provide education for children, community involvement, and policy making.

The second winner in the competition was 11-year-old Matilde Magalhães Da Silva from Portugal, while 12-year-old Dao Khuong Duy from Vietnam emerged as the third winner.

Claire Gakii and other officials after winning the award on Thursday October 5, 2023. Photo/CA.


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