Details why Daniel Etyang was gunened down by Ruthless Cartels. On November 23, last year, a young Policeman was shot dead in Ruaka by Hitmen . House Of Ruthless Cartels…. Silencing 12 Bullets were pumped though his body, his Uber Driver was also killed.
At first, the Police claimed that he was a dangerous criminal. But two days later information started filtering out.Former Kiambu Governor, William Kabogo came out to the open and declared that dead officer was his Security officer for four years.

What is not known is that the killed Officer was very close to the Kemsa CEO Jonah Manjari Mwangi.
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Jonah Manjari was the Health CEC of Kiambu and worked under Kabogo. Due to frequent meetings, he became very close to Kabogo Bodyguard, Daniel Etyang.
In 2018, Jonah Manjari was selected to be the Nakuru Health CEC. At that time, he requested that the former Kabogo Bodyguard joins his team.
He did not last long in Nakuru. His connection from Gatundu, his home area, saw him bulldozed as the CEO of Kemsa by former Health CS, Sicily Kariuki.
Deals that made Daniel Etyang gunned down!!!!