Waruguru Reveals How Raila Used Black Magic On Her


Laikipia Women Representative Cate Waruguru claims Raila Odinga used black magic on her during their June 9th 2020 meeting.

Waruguru met Raila at his Capitol Hill office when she defected from deputy president William Ruto’s Tangatanga side.

At the time, the Laikipia Women Rep stated that said she did not mind being in Raila’s camp as long as the electorates in her county benefit.

Fast forward to November 28th 2021, Waruguru (who has since defected back to Ruto’s camp) claimed that Raila used black magic to woo her into his camp.

Speaking in Kerugoya during Ruto’s rally, the Laikipia Woman Rep stated that she suspects Raila used black magic on her when they greeted each other.

“Kama munavyojua sisi tuko katika chama ya UDA. Na mimi ni mmoja wa wale ambaye alisalamia Raila Odinga ni kama alikua ameniwekea dawa, nilipo msalamia sikujijua lakini baada ya maombi ya Wakristo mimi nko nyuma ya William Samoei Ruto (As you know we are in the UDA party. And I am one of those who greeted Raila Odinga and it’s like he used black magic on me. When I greeted him I was confused but after Christians prayed for me I am now with William Samoei Ruto)” Waruguru told the crowd in Kerugoya.

Related: Millie Odhiambo Wades In On Moses Kuria/Cate Waruguru Beef That’s Getting Out Of Hand




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