Uyu Kazi Yake Ni Kupanua Tu Mguu ili Apewe Pesa- Sudi Exposes Pauline Njoroge


Kapseret member of parliament Oscar Sudi has taken a swipe at the social media influencer Pauline Njoroge who is an ardent supporter of Azimio La umoja.

Oscar Sudi took offense with Pauline Njoroge for leading the Mt. Kenya youths to the statehouse and according to him, the lady after leading the youths to the statehouse always engage in romantic affairs with someone from the Office of the president (OP) whom he did not mention.

Sudi added that the man from the OP normally gives Pauline Njoroge money to the tunes of one million, and at times half a million.

“Pauline Njoroge, nimeona ukipeleka vijana statehouse which is not wrong kwa sababu wanaenda kuchukua pesa ya covid. But wewe, unajua vizuri sana ukienda kupea vijana elfu nane ili waende wachukue sikatai.

Baadaye, wewe unaenda pale OP. Wewe kuna mwenye unatolenga bendera yako na unajua uyo mtu wako wa OP mwenye anakupeanga milioni moja, mia tano, millioni moja. Sasa sisi tuko na watoto, unaenda unadanganya vijana ati kuna future sijui future gani sasa kama wewe unaenda unatoa bender uo OP ndio upate kuishi watoto wetu madada zetu watatolea nani iyo bendera zao ndio wapate vile wewe unapata. Iyondio maswali nataka nikuulize Pauline Njoroge.” Said Oscar Sudi in a scathing attack directed at Pauline Njoroge.

Pauline Njoroge has been a thorn in tangatanga’s flesh and won’t just let illogical information being circulated by the hustler nation members pass without throwing hard questions in return.

Reading her sentiments objectively without feelings, Pauline Njoroge normally has valid concerns that any right thinking Kenyan should give a listening ear to.

For instance, Pauline Njoroge while weighing on Itumbi’s murder asked how comes Dennis Itumbi who was operated on a day earlier was already mobile the next day and even starting physiotherapy as reported by those allied to DP Ruto’s tangatanga.

She also questioned how those allied to Tangatanga came to the conclusion that CS Matiangi, Mr. Hillary Mutyambai and other high profiled individuals in the government were responsible without any investigation. As a normal human being, Pauline Njoroge just wanted to understand those basics but Tangatanga people would not just respond objectively without insulting her.

As a result, this made some of the people wonder why Dennis Itumbi’s close associates were creating narratives which they didnt want to be challenged in a bid to get satisfactory answers.

Below were some of the genuine concerns by one Pauline Njoroge:

“And onto my last question regarding this matter for now…The guy who turned up at the Nairobi West Hospital yesterday pretending to be a family doctor and is suspected to have been an assassin according to TangaTanga sources, what action did the hospital take against him? Was he captured on CCTV? Where is the guy as we speak?” Questioned Pauline Njoroge.

“Someone with multiple fractures, who was operated on yesterday is already mobile today and even starting physiotherapy?! Well……..

“Meanwhile, they reported that there was a guy who turned up at the Nairobi West Hospital yesterday pretending to be the family doctor, and they are convinced that he was an assassin. I hope they apprehended him and took him to a police station for questioning because this is an extremely dangerous person and he would provide a good lead to the abductors. It would also be expected that his face was captured on the hospital CCTV cameras and I am sure the public which is keenly following this case would be interested in seeing his image” Added Pauline Njoroge

“When some quarters are frustrated because they can’t find a logical response to hard questions, they get emotional and result to insults. Such an obvious tactic ???Goodnight friends ?” She added.

Pauline Njoroge continued: “The moment the incident happened, even before Dennis was found and long before it was clear what was happening, TT MPs and bloggers rushed to these streets and reported that the President, CS and PS Interior, IG of Police and Director of Military Intelligence under the CDF were responsible for the abduction. That very moment they accused these people of the abduction without a single shred of evidence is the moment TT turned this thing political.

“They now can’t start getting emotional claiming that other people are turning it political. They can’t start accusing others of being inhumane and insensitive, yet every other day they keep accusing innocent government officials of planning murders, abductions etc. They even nickname them La murder and have so much fun using such silly names.

“Where is humanity and sensitivity at such times when they are dragging innocent people in the mud with fake stories, fake videos, fake letters etc? Do they ever consider that these people have families? That they have children who read such things and get hurt? Or do they assume they have a monopoly of scripts and accusations and in that case humanity and sensitivity should only apply to them, but not in situations where they hurt other people’s reputations and emotions?

“They want to accuse others of all manner of things, but get overly emotional and abusive when they are asked simple questions in regards to the accusations they have made. They keep saying how God is on their side. Do they imagine that God is also not on the side of the people they falsely accuse or their families who they deeply hurt?” Concluded Pauline Njoroge.

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