Uhuru Assumes Ruto, Rejects Handshake Spearheaded By The Church


President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Samoei Ruto have given church bishops pushing for their handshake a wide berth.

The bishops who were pushing this truce between the two top leaders have admitted a complete lack of interest to strike out a truce.

According to Catholic archbishop Antony Muheria, they have on several occasions prayed for the invitation of president Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto to become a reality but the same has been futile.

On his side, the handlers of the deputy president William Samoei Ruto have directed the blame at the handlers of president Uhuru Kenyatta who have been using all avenues possible to block any handshake.

Deputy president William Samoei Ruto recently gave a hint that he was keen on having a handshake with president Uhuru Kenyatta whom they have strongly differed with since 2018.

A certain section of religious leaders a few weeks ago said that they were willing to unite the head of state and his deputy since their differences would tear the nation apart.

However, according to one political analyst by the name Herman Manyora, there are the irreducible minimums that the second in command will have to fulfill prior to any thought of having a handshake with his former political darling Uhuru Kenyatta.

By this, Mr. Manyora meant that Ruto who had already crossed the red line will first have to go back the red line by recognizing that Uhuru is his boss and the boss is always right before he comes to the talking table

Additionally, Manyora said that Ruto will have to do away with his new UDA party if at all he is genuine about the handshake because there is no way he can be selling another party while he was elected the deputy president under Jubilee.

“But again they say, in a deal like this you must come with clean hands. You cannot enter Rome with your army still armed. Your men must be disarmed before you can cross the rubicon. Ruto has already crossed the rubicon, he has crossed the red line.

“So when these guys are saying he must then go behind the rubicon, go back the red line before he comes to talk to the president. First, by recognizing that Uhuru is his boss and the boss is always right.

“Number two, by showing seriousness in that enterprise of reconciliation and handshake, by doing certain things and avoiding doing certain things. For example, you cannot be meeting the president for reconciliation when you are still with UDA.

“You are n Jubilee, you are the deputy president but you have gone out openly not just to form another political party, not just to campaign for it, not just to promote that political party but to offer candidates in competition with Jubilee headed by Uhuru Kenyatta you are saying you are ready to reconcile with which doesn’t make sense at all.” He said.

The political analyst also made reference to the ODM Raila Odinga before and after the handshake since he had to drop all his tough conditions and accept that president Uhuru Kenyatta was validly elected as the Kenyan president for them to have a meaningful talk.

RELATED STORY: Revealed: How Uhuru Washed Ruto In The Multibillion Fuliza Deal


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