Uganda Fires 4 Police Officers For Robbing Kenyan Ksh4.8 Million


The KMP territorial team has dismissed with disgrace 4 police officers attached to Kabalagala police station, and charged them with Aggravated robbery, after they turned against a businessman, who allegedly had in their possession USD 30,000 and wanted to exchange it for Uganda shillings to buy a lorry.

The officers include; DC Among Phiona, aged 28, DC Angula Isaac, aged 27, DC Baluku Shafik, aged 26 and DC Galenda Bernard, all attached to Kabalagala Police Division.

The facts gathered indicate that on 17.01.2024, one Muhammad Olad Abdirahman, a 37-year-old, Kenyan businessman of Kisenyi, went to Royal View Hotel Buziga, for accommodation.

The victim requested the manager to help identify the Forex with the best exchange rate for USD 30,000 which was in their possession. The money was to be used to buy a lorry.

The hotel management tipped DC Among, who alerted her 3 other colleagues. They reached the hotel around 4 pm and in conspiracy with Okello, who was pretending to be a foreign exchange broker and the manager of the hotel, caused the arrest of the victims.

They bundled them into a motor vehicle, and drove them through Kabalagala barracks road, up to another hotel garden, where they robbed them of the USD 30,000 and chased them away.

The suspects narrated their ordeal, to a Kenyan friend, who helped them report their case.

The 4 officers were arrested, and a quick search at their homes led to the recovery of some dollars and exhibited. The scenes were fully documented.

Efforts are now in place to track down Okello and the Manager and have them arrested.



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