Turkana Governor Faces Expulsion From ODM Party


Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) on Wednesday October 18 initiated plans to expel Turkana Governor Jeremiah Napotikan Lomorukai.

The party received a letter from Gad Aguko an advocate of the High Court accusing the governor of neglecting ODM principles.

Specifically, the advocate accused Governor Lomorukai of swearing allegiance to President William Ruto and the Kenya Kwanza administration during the Turkana Cultural Festival.

“Further, the said remarks by the Governor of Turkana Hon. Jeremiah Ekamais Lomorukai were made with the intention of subjecting both the ODM party and our Party Leader, H. E. Hon. Raila Odinga into ridicule, embarrassment, anxiety and disgust as the said Mr. Jeremiah Lomorukai even proceeded to declare that he was going to rally all voters of Turkana Party to vote in favour of the United Democratic Alliance Party’s Party Leader H.E. William Ruto to ensure the latter rules Kenya as the President for 14 years which is in contravention presidential term limits as provided under Article 136(2) as read with 142 of the Constitution of Kenya,” the letter read in part.

Turkana Governor Jeremiah Napotikan Lomorukai at his office. Photo/ Turkana County Government.

The advocate thus asked ODM to strike out the name of the governor from the party records.

“Consequently, and as a result of the conduct of Hon. Jeremiah Ekamais Lomorukai which we consider amounts to a resignation, this is to humbly request you to immediately proceed and initiate the process of striking out his name from the Party Members Register in accordance with the provisions of Section 14A (2) and (3) of the Political Parties Act No. 11 of 2011 of the Laws of Kenya.

In the alternative to the above, it is our client’s prayer that your respective and responsible party organs, immediately, but in any case not later than 7 days from receipt hereof, commence the necessary disciplinary actions against the said Governor of Turkana Hon. Jeremiah Ekamais Lomorukai for purposes of having him expelled from the Orange Democratic Movement Party if found culpable in accordance with Section 14B of the Political Parties Act No. 11 of 2011 of the Laws of Kenya,” the lawyers representing Aguko stated.

However, ODM vowed to take the necessary action and determine the fate of the Turkana Governor.


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