Tag: Uhuru Kenyatta

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New Soundboard from Bose Review: Pricing is Not Always the Only Criteria

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Best Places to Get Your Mexican Food Fix When You Visit Mexico City

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The Cliffs of Moher Reach 1 Million Visitors Every Year Since 2014

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The 25 Best Cities You Can Find in Italy to Satisfy the Love for Pizza

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Ruto’s Former Boss Jirongo Reveals Cardinal Sin DP Committed That Presidents Moi, Uhuru Couldn’t Forgive Him

When Cyrus Jirongo was rich and powerful during Kanu regime, William Ruto was his spanner boy or 'mtu wa mkono' - for seven long...

Uhuru Shames Ruto As He Names 10 Achievements He Made Since DP Was Isolated In Government

President Uhuru Kenyatta bragged that his government has achieved more development since his deputy William Ruto was reduced to a mere spectator in his...

WHO Urges President Kenyatta To Relax Covid-19 Restrictions

President Uhuru Kenyatta has of late been under a lot of pressure from the World Health Organization (WHO) to relax a number of Covid-19...

Uhuru Asks Mt.Kenya Residents To Eat Ruto’s Money But Vote For His ‘Visitor’ Raila

President Uhuru Kenyatta landed in Kirinyaga county on Monday where he took a swipe at his deputy William Ruto while addressing residents. Uhuru was in...

President Uhuru Dispatches His Favorite Bodyguard Bill Arocho To Protect Raila

President Uhuru Kenyatta’s most trusted and longest-serving security aide Bill Arocho Otunga has now been dispatched to protect Raila Odinga. Bill Arocho has been serving...


Medics condemn police brutality during protests

The Kenya Medical Association (KMA) has condemned police brutality...

UN cautions Ruto’s Govt against shooting protesters

The Secretary-General to the United Nations Antonio Guterres on...

“Listening To The People Is Not A Choice” Uhuru Kenyatta Breaks Silence

The immediate former president Uhuru Kenyatta has broken silence...

Boniface Mwangi Blames Kenya Kwanza Politicians After Tuesday’s Peaceful Protests Turned Chaotic

Renown activist and journalist Boniface Mwangi alias The People's...

