Parents Beware Of Free WiFi! Sex Predator Loise Musyoka Sleeps With Primary School Pupil After Luring Him With WiFi


Nairobi primary school teacher Loise Martha Musyoka is staring at a long prison term after she was arrested for sleeping with a primary school pupil from her school.

Loise Musyoka was arraigned at Makadara law courts were her nauseating offense was exposed to the entire nation.

According to her charge sheet, the teacher started making romantic advances towards the 15-year-old boy at her school on October 5th 2021.

On October 5th, the randy teacher made a phone call and asked the boy to drop by her house in Njiru sub-county to help her fix a wallpaper.

The boy was not at his home and promised his teacher that he would help her later when he gets back to his parent’s house.

He went to his teacher’s house the following day while in the company of seven other pupils from their school, nothing happened that particular day.

The 15-year-old went back to his teacher’s house days later to use WiFi, he was accompanied by his close friend.

The teacher went into her bedroom moment after the two boys arrived, and when the boy asked her for the WiFi password she invited him to her bedroom so that she could give it to him.

Loise pounced on the boy when he got into her bedroom. The court heard that she kissed and caressed him until he got into a sexual mood.

The teacher then undressed her pupil and made him to sleep with her. Loise would have gotten away with defilement were it not for an informer.

The informer had been seeing several boys at her house and decided to go the school where she teaches to make formal complaint that Loise had been taking advantage of her pupils.

The complaint by the informer made the victimized boy to also confide in his mother what the teacher did to him. The matter was reported at a nearby police station leading to Loise’s arrest.

Loise pleaded not guilty when she appeared before Makadara court to answer to charges of defiling minors.

The Magistrate released the accused on a Ksh200,000 bond pending the hearing of the case on April 4th 2021.

Related: Drama In Court As 13-Year-old Boy Defends 32-Year-Old Househelp Who Broke His Virginity


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