Senator Ledama Expose A Shocking Number Of Kenyan Politicians Smoking Marijuana


Narok Senator Ledama Olekina on has come out exposing how a whopping 80 percent of Kenyan lawmakers smoke Marijuana, an illegal drug in Kenya.

According to the lawmaker, many Members Parliament are regular users of the drug. In an interview with a local daily, the Senator conveyed his support for legalizing the use of marijuana in the country.

“Let me not kid you. Right now, in parliament, probably 80 per cent of the lawmakers smoke marijuana.

“There are indeed so many benefits and I think it’s just about the time we become more liberal to look at how is it we can survive. We are only poor because we believe certain things are immoral,” the Senator stated.

He added that Kenya should be keen to do research on the medical benefits of the plant.

When asked about possible addiction to the substance, the Senator reiterated the importance of proper education.

Ledama Ole Kina
Narok Senator,Ledama Ole Kina

“I hear there is a lot of people saying this; there is addiction. There is alcohol addiction, there is an addiction to smoking, nicotine addiction. It’s really what you do with it and how you control it. Too much of anything is poisonous… even a painkiller, if you are addicted to a painkiller it will harm your body… we should not be stuck in the old thinking,” Ledama said.

Ledama was speaking alongside researcher author and theorist Gwada Ogot, who in 2017 presented a petition before the Senate’s Health Committee calling for the decriminalization and legalization of marijuana in Kenya.

Currently the laws of Kenya prohibits the cultivation, possession and use of Cannabis within the Kenyan territory.

The pair challenged the stereotype associated with Marijuana saying the plant might be the pot of gold that could save the country.

Ogot said: “Marijuana is the world’s most profitable crop. It can transform our national economy. It’s able to sort the doctors’ and the teachers’ salaries. Marijuana is the only basis for a universal healthcare program. It’s the basis of Africa’s pharmaceutical industry.”

For a drug that has been banned for almost a century, marijuana history spans more than 12,000 years and in modern times, the plant is used for medical purposes treating conditions such as chronic pain, insomnia, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, reducing cancer pain and that of multiple sclerosis.

According to Visual capitalist, cannabis (marijuana) is the most lucrative cash crop globally with a value of Sh5.1 billion in 247 acres of land. The most lucrative legal crop in terms of value per hectare is tomatoes and they only yield Sh152 million, 34 times lower than cannabis.


Senator Ledama, a champion of legalising marijuana, faults the government’s “hypocrisy” for the failure to appreciate the substantial benefits that the crop can bring to the country.

When asked why leaders have remained silent on the discussion, Ledama said: “For now, they cannot do that because we politician are hypocrites, we want to tell the church that we are saints. You know the church controls this country. If you go against the church, you will not get votes. So, we cannot be able to come out openly.”

Among the many questions surrounding marijuana are the scientifically unsubstantiated health and social risks such as insanity, addiction and violence. Senator Olekina argues that legalising marijuana will come with its own set of regulations just like alcohol and cigarettes.

The senator believes there is hope. He trusts that the first step will be a complete education of the public and the leadership on the benefits that the taboo crop can bring to the country.

“We need to able to ensure we educate the legislators on the importance of this subject. Once they are educated, let’s get the buy-in. it is like dealing with the issue of politics, you have to get the political goodwill.”

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