Deputy president William Samoie Ruto through his chief communication strategist Dennis Itumbi has vowed to announce their own results if the manual voter registration is re introduced.
In a communication delivered by the Hustler nation Intelligence Bureau (HNIB), the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) have made it clear that they will not corporate shall the Independent and Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) decide to introduce manual transmission of votes.
“Deep State & System, we will announce our results. FYI We will have 55K HNIB accounts each of them announcing results under #KenyaDecides2022 – it is a RELIGIOUS DUTY to BREAK bad Laws! This one we will NOT obey, like Shadrack Meshack &Abednego, Increase the FIRE SEVEN TIMES!” Wrote Dennis Itumbi.
Deep State & System, we will announce our results. FYI We will have 55K HNIB accounts each of them announcing results under #KenyaDecides2022 – it is a RELIGIOUS DUTY to BREAK bad Laws! This one we will NOT obey, like Shadrack Meshack &Abednego, Increase the FIRE SEVEN TIMES!
— Dennis Itumbi, HSC (@OleItumbi) February 2, 2022
In the meantime, Kenyans had the following to say about the decision by Ruto’s team to announce their own results:
“Me thinks it’s a setup for UDA to oppose this bill then we go with transmission which they will manipulate easily.Either way Rais ni Raila Odinga.”
“They have agents even in our parliament where their evil schemes are orchestrated,,are we going to see the Kivuitu type of drama and arrogance repeat?Th tharaka nithi stronghold fiction? @OleItumbi interesting times ahead,we’re living in a democratic country, freedom is paramount.”
“Does the law @IEBCKenya support parallel tallying centers???”
“You can have even 100K agents streaming fake results for Ruto like you do to hoodwink gullible TT adherents but the only results recognized constitutionally are those announced by IEBC. You just want freedom to announce fake results to give TT false hopes & trigger chaos. Tutangoja IEBC!”
“Do you still think Security Amendment Laws were in good faith? I remember you defended the same with your life when Uhuru was your buddy, boss (I don’t know what he was to you)”
“Kenya Moja is your mind capable of contextualizing and understanding the risk of the proposed amendments to the integrity of elections ?”
“Not a coincidence, connect the dots! Chiloba understands IEBC inside out & as head of CAK with citizens blacked out from live transmission the stage is set to APPOINT! Citizens will then be fed results as deemed fit by powers that be!”
“Its hard to accept that you guys are officially in opposition…. But we pray for you to finish that humble pie and know that by then we would have sworn in HE raila odinga”
“I told you so! Only Ruto doesn’t want to accept the existence of a Deep State. And the Deep State will impose its candidate on Kenyans if you don’t put up measures to stop stealing. But the strange phenomenon is that in every election circle, half of the population becomes fools.”
“Unasupport system mpaka waleo servers hazijawahi funguliwa ?????na reason ilikua time difference ati mpaka waleo bado wafaransa wanalala??uzuri ni mutatoboa siri zote naona Uhuru ameamua kufunga milango alitumia ????”
“I never knew one day itumbi will be crying about these government Ile madharau n kiburi ulikuwa nayo eeh enyewe living humble life is important God humbles the pride na Bado.”
“Maybe you will transmit and announce the results from Nandi county and maybe kericho county too.Other counties will be left for iebc to announce and that’s law.”
“Don’t invoke the names of Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego in your dealings. Announce results as you wish but Kenya will have a president and peace will prevail.”
“What are you threatened by? Let @IEBCKenya independently deliver its mandate to Kenyans without duress from political parties. As voters, Kenyans are also stakeholders in IEBC. It is independent from political meddling left, right and center. Stop gaslighting.”
“it’s a trap! if you oppose they’ll say you are planning to steal…when they are actually planning to do that–maybe. It could also be the opposite…obfuscate/muddy verifiability leading to a post-election contest in court or otherwise. Looks too good–to be true!”
“Me thinks it’s a set up for UDA to oppose this bill then we go with transmission which they will manipulate easily.Either way Rais ni Raila Odinga”
“And remember u can have even 10m accounts to announce that… But only one announcement matters .. ile ya iebc… When Raila was fighting for this u and your killer boss fought him… Now isikizie”
“No where to hide my brother, the sho is on another leg , tell your boss not to waste colossal amount of money on this thing coz HE CAN’T WIN,mwambie atulie na muwache matusi towards BABA coz atawafinya Sana when he becomes the next HEAD OF STATE”
“Such issues are settled in parliament through numbers. As long as I know, Ruto all along bragged about numbers. Let him use the said numbers to avoid such proposed bad laws. He’s our only savior on this”
“That’s not news. You have been manipulating results in the last 2 General elections and are experts in producing vifaranga vya kompyuta.”
“si mlikataa kufungua server 2017? usituletee hapa”
“@OleItumbi the fact that there servers have never been opened should be a key indicator of the need of the new election laws. At no point should results announced by a presiding officer be changed. We’ll also not be having the need of waiting for the guys in France to wake up.”
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