Alfred Mutua Admits He Is Happier After Tracing His First Wife And Kids In Australia


Machakos governor doctor Alfred Mutua seems to have put aside his skirt-chasing skills and is now tracing his first wife and kids.

Alfred Mutua who had been away from the country on Wednesday came back and made it clear that he was spending time with his lover and ones in Australia.

“HOMEWARD BOUND after spending quality time with my amazing loved ones. As a friend of mine called Prof says, once in a while it is good to “eat life with a big spoon.” Now, time for Siasa moto moto za Maendeleo Chap Chap.” Wrote the Machakos governor.

One Mr. Gordon Opiyo had the following to say about Alfred Mutua going back to his ex wife and kids:

“When the Mumu spirit goes… A man shines….My friend Kipkogei Agui points out that Dr Alfred Mutua seems to have come back to his senses and is back to his wife and children..

He spent quality time with the family in Australia….

Every man of influence and wealth usually goes through this…. Some strikingly beautiful girl comes to your marriage and hits you with the Mumu spirit.. And you become a Mumu man…

You forget about your wife and children and focus on the beauty…. You become a Mumu man, and listen to no advice and counsel from anyone who cares… Until the beauty kicks you out… And you come to your senses….

Men of wealth and influence can relate to this… Broke men can’t understand this, because no beautiful girl would invest in capturing you..

I’m very happy for Alfred Mutua… He looks better and fresher after the Mumu spirit goes.” Read a statement by Mr. opiyo.

In the meantime, Machakos governor Alfred Mutua was recently forced to prove that he is yet to move on with a new girlfriend months after dumping Lillian Ng’ang’a like a hot potato.

For the last few days, pictures of governor Mutua and a certain young lady had gone viral, drawing speculations that the Machakos boss had finally gotten his ribs.

Apparently, the photos with the young beautiful woman were taken in Malindi where Alfred Mutua had gone for a vacation.

The photos saw Kenyans express mixed reactions with others supporting the governor for being bold enough and moving on with a new catch after separating with ex wife.

However, Mr. Alfred Mutua has since come out clean to make things straight that he is yet to move on with a new girlfriend. According to him, he only took the photos with the lady since every Kenyan is at liberty to take a photo with anyone

“DISCLAIMER: I am requested daily by many people to pose for photos. I humbly agree. I take photos with strangers – men, women, groups, kids, families etc. They usually post the photos. This does not mean KNOW them or that I am in business or friends with them. Wacheni mucene.” Wrote Alfred Mutua.

At the same time, activist Boniface Mwangi recently in a detailed post dubbed “WHY I SUSPECT ALFRED MUTUA WANTS ME DEAD”  gave a blow by blow account of how Machakos governor Alfred Mutua begged his former wife with goodies so that she stays.

According to Boniface Mwangi, Alfred Mutua literally begged ex wife Lillian Ng’ang’a with an expensive prado, a new house of her choice and millions of money. All these began after they started having relationship issues and the governor was keen on saving his face from the whole embarrassment.

Besides, Boniface Mwangi added that Alfred Mutua being a presidential candidate did not wish to be subjected to public ridicule of being dumped by a beautiful woman/wife like Lillian Ng’ang’a.

Fast-forward, Lillian Ng’ang’a decided to move on with her life despite being promised those goodies by governor Alfred Mutua and it is at that point when the second time governor began living in bitterness as narrated by the activist.

RELATED STORY:Governor Joho Exposed By Edgar Obare As A Deadbeat Father, The Wife Wants To Dump Him


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