Ruto Leaves Nairobi Official Residence, Moves To The Coast


In a move to expand his political base, Deputy President William Ruto will leave his official residence in Karen, Nairobi, and decentralize his meetings to the coastal counties.

Since the ban on public rallies by the Ministry of Health to curb the spread of Covid-19, the DP has been meeting leaders and his supporters at his Nairobi office and his rural home in Sugoi.

Reports say William Ruto will be in Mombasa for two days to conduct various meetings with religious, community, youth, and professional leaders from the six coastal counties – Tana River, Lamu, Kilifi, Kwale, Mombasa, and Taita Taveta.

Speaking to a local publication Nyali MP Mohamed Ali said the DP was going to meet people at the Coast and listen to them.

“It will be a big entourage when Ruto arrives here. It’s a Coast business issue and no politics,” the Nyali MP told The Star.

“We are addressing our issues. He is a good man and will listen to us. We are the hustler’s nation and we’re growing big.”

According to the legislature, the coastal region has suffered social exclusion and has been denied developments such as roads, good schools, and good hospitals by the national government.

Nyali MP Mohammed Ali Names Governor Waiguru And Other Big Fishes Being Shielded From The NYS Prosecution | Kenya Insights
Nyali MP Mohammed Ali says ODM and Uhuru’s administration has abandoned them. Photo Courtesy

“ODM auctioned us to the highest bidder and walked away with the port. They brought the SGR and they are now doing business with it,” Ali said.

“We have land problems. We have extrajudicial killings. There is no development in Mombasa and the Coast region at large. We have the beach but we don’t have factories,” he added.

Those from the coastal region have accused the government of turning a blind eye to matters of poverty, land, and squatters.

They have blamed the Uhuru’s administration for killing Mombasa by ordering cargo be ferried by SGR directly to the Naivasha Inland Depot for clearance.

The DP who has fashioned himself as the leader of the poor is expected to reach out directly to the people from the coast by giving goodies to various youth and women groups in a strategy to raise his political profile.

Ruto is understood will also take advantage of the revenue sharing formula stalemate in the Senate who has disadvantaged many counties at Coastal Kenya.

The DP has always maintained that the formula should not disadvantage any county, therefore, calling for a win-win formula.


From the Coast, William Ruto is expected to visit Upper Easter where he will hold meetings with delegations from Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Embu, Isiolo, and Marsabit counties.

He will then proceed to South Rift were he will meet supporters from Narok, Kericho, Bomet, Nyamira, Kisii, and Migori before heading to Northeastern for meetings with grassroots leaders in Garissa, Wajir, and Mandera.


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