Raila’s Plan Of Choosing Peter Munya As Running Mate Sends Shock In Ruto’s UDA


Highly top sources have revealed to Sonko News that Peter Munya is one of those politicians from the bigger Mt. Kenya region that the opposition leader Raila Odinga is considering as his 2022 running mate.

According to these sources, Peter Munya has high chances of being Raila’s running mate because of his high political capital and ability to woo/pull/excite crowds.

As a result, those close to the office of the deputy president are said to be fearing this move since Peter Munya may just put the last nail on Ruto’s political coffin especially around the Mt. Kenya East region.

Besides, the source argued that Peter Munya having been an elected governor may just be the right candidate to help the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader galvanize Mt. Kenya East which has always supported Raila to some extent.

“Raila’s message of reviving the miraa sector has always augured well with the residents of Meru region and it is one of those counties in Central Kenya that has always given the ODM boss a listening ear. Shall he settle on Peter Munya as his running mate, then believe you me Raila will defeat Ruto in that region hands down.” Said one Kwach Podpek who is an international political analyst.

The agriculture cabinet secretary recently took a swipe at deputy president William Ruto just a day after he wooed him to join the United Democratic Alliance (UDA).

According to Peter Munya, William Ruto had been engaging in politics of deceit aimed at creating division and hatred towards the government. Specifically, he cited how these faces keep pressurizing the government to pay farmers and other stakeholders yet they are the same people squandering the money.

Munya also took offence with William Ruto’s bottom up economic model while questioning what he had been doing in government for all those years only to realize that mama mbogas exist one year to the general elections.

“Hi siasa ya Tangatanga itaaribu Kenya. Tukiendelea hivo nchi itaaribika. Siasa ya upuzi! Ooh wakulima hawajalipwa bonus kubwa wangelipwa na bonus gani na watu wenyu mlismamia factory mumeiba pesa yote. Ma cartel wale mumeshikana nayo wamearibu soko sasa bonus ingetoka wapi?

Kuongea maneno hujui na speed sijui ni ya nini kilasiku uko kwa soko ooh sijui nini ooh mama mboga sijui nini. Umekuwa kwa serikali miaka nane ukiwa juu kule kwanza we ndio ulikuwa mkubwa ndio unazunguka haukujua kuna mama mboga

Sai  ndio umejua kuna mama mboga kwa sababu kura imefika? Mara ooh sijui bodaboda. Ati watu wako kwa CRB. Kuna watu hawako ata kwa CRB kama nyinyi hapa yeye hajui na hana time kwa sababu anazunguka kilasiku.

Unawezaje kuzunguka kwa miaka tano na uko na kiti na kazi ya kufanya unaona iyo ikiwa sawasawa? Tena siasa ya fitina kila mahali ni fitina, wale wanamfuata ni wafitina hatujafika campaign tuko kazini na ata tukifika campaign si tupige ya utulivu tuombe kura kwa utulivu wananchi wataamua kwa sababu ndio wako na kura!

Sasa kelele sijui mawe muende mupigane sasa ukinipiga mawe hapa utachukua kura kwa mfuko yangu? Sisi tunaendelea kufanya kazi.” Said the fire breathing Munya.

The issue of Raila Odinga’s running mate is still complicated as it has attracted many interests across the Mountain.

A few months ago, Murang’a leaders proposed Peter Kenneth to be the deputy President of whoever President Uhuru Kenyatta will endorse as his successor.

Speaking during a funds drive in a church in Murang’a County, the leaders said that it was the time one of their own ascended to power, but nothing short of a Deputy President Position in the coming administration.  There has been political jostling around Mt. Kenya since there is no formidable political leader who will fly the region’s flag in next year’s general elections, as a presidential contestant.

The leaders – who comprised of Mary Waithera (Maragua), Joseph Nduati (Gatanga), Peter Kimari (Mathioya), and Ruth Wangari (Kigumo) – observed that it was time for a Murang’a son to ascend to one of the top seats in the land.

The leaders, who were speaking at Kihoya AIPCA church in Kangema, said that Murang’a County was fully behind President Uhuru Kenyatta’s twin presidential bids, of which the president won on both occasions.

“We are fully behind the President and we will continue to support his development agenda as well as his moves to unite the country. Those who claim the Jubilee administration has not done much, are hypocrites,” noted MP Wangari.

The leaders were speaking as they accompanied Mr. Kenneth, and promised that they would continue to support the president’s efforts to bring development projects in all parts of the country.

On his part, Peter Kenneth, popularly referred to by his supporters as PK, admitted that he is fully behind the president and that he would always support his agenda. “If I get any position in the next government, I will not let the people of this region down,” added Kenneth.

PK went ahead to caution people of the central against falling into the hands of leaders who may drag the country into animosity. He further advised that it is humility that would earn people dividends. “Humility is key in every leader. If you don’t have respect and humility, how can you lead millions of Kenyans from a diverse ethnic background?” he posed.

It would be interesting who amongst the two Peters Raila Odinga will settle on as his running mate.

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