Prison Escapee Shot Dead After Threatening To Harm 12 -year old Girl He Was Holding As Hostage


Police in Murang’a County gunned down a prison escapee after he threatened to harm a 12-year old girl he had held hostage.

The prison escapee, who is said to have organized several jail breaks in the country, died while receiving treatment at Maragua Level Four Hospital after being shot by the police officers on his lower abdomen.

The suspect stormed a rental house in Maragua  with a toy pistol and kidnapped the 12-year old girl.

According to the Murang’a South Sub-County Police Commander Alexander Shikondi, law enforcers responded to a distress call by the locals and caught up with the suspect holding the girl hostage in an abandoned house.

The police asked him to surrender and instead, he threatened to harm the girl, thus forcing police officers to open fire.

“We challenged him to stop and release the girl but he drew the weapon from his waist and charged at the officers while aiming. Police officers fired at him to immobilize him and one bullet hit his lower mid-abdomen,” the police commander stated.

Police retrieved two machetes and household items that are believed to be from the house that the deceased raided.

The suspect was facing three counts of defilement and on April 3, 2021, the court had ordered that he be remanded at the Maragua police station. He however managed to walk away free without breaking any padlocks or grills, an incident that left officers in shock. He is said to have escaped at night

Since then, police have been looking for him and laying traps for him without success.

“We have the files ready, complete with victim and witness statements. We have been laying ambush to nab him but he has been elusive. But today we were lucky,”   Shikondi said.

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